O.T. : that's what we call s*xual machine. you on the other hand, its a different story! peace!
OnT: New updates:
-I heard nga calltek rented the 10th floor of the new building. They are planning to transfer everything there. So calltek will not be on the 4th floor but only on the 9th & 10th floor.
What do you think? The new floor has good view though, and they said that its one of the nicest floor daw sa bag-ong JY square mall...
pina ka nice uu,, ky so far,, mao pa man ang nahuman,, hehehe
Unsay ayo ninyo diha? Naa diri naka login na taga C9? Musta inyong mga calls diha? kami mingaw dinhi.. katulogon kami diri...
naay ungo sa C9....watch out guys....from a reliable source.
hahahaha...okay ra jud...cool muleng...mahadlok raba na ug mga EMO ang ungo...wahahahaha
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