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  1. #251

    good management.. quality leaders.. does not speak but instead acts...

  2. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by jeobacs View Post
    let's focus our attention to the kids...but not the old one's, someday they'll become youth... adult...and a future leader. Educate them well, motivate and keep them away from politics and hey big brother or sister, be a model to the youth by your own good deeds not by your bad example. Maybe in this way or another we could change and solve our poverty problem.
    This is also discussed in the Hyperwage theory- a non-economic problem addressed by an economic solution- Currently, it is being discussed- the OFW syndrome, where parents are abroad and the kids are left growing up woithout them thus ending up as drug addicts, early marriages, poor moral values, etc. and this goes on and on as a vicious cycle because our people are going abroad for higher wages.

    Also- if we have higher wages, people wpn't go into politics and steal nor govt employees look for ways to get grease money (padangug).
    we need higher wages to live a comfortable life- thus the hyperwage theory. Read the book and you will understand it.

  3. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    your theory has no economic basis.. kung atong padak-on ang wages mudako gihapon ang palitonon... that how inflation works..

    your theory is good but not realistic and is not grounded on natural movement and mechanism of a market... bisan mu-isotrya ato pasimple pa gyud abot sa law of supply and demand daghan kwarta na nagcircukate more people will buy... more demand... less supply... mutaas gihapon ang palitonon...

    pag take ra gud econ 101.... bisan sa exchange with other countries money mugamay ang value...
    Econ 101? Can you still remember it? If you do, compare it with the Hyperwage Theory.. you are challenging the HYPERWAGE THEORY which you haven't totally read and understood. No economic basis? have you read the whole theory? Read it first then we can start arguments. Unless otherwise, you are not standing on solid grounds.

    By the way, the author of the Hyperwage Theory has a mind and credibility far greater than you and mine combined.

  4. #254
    Ang tubag sa pangutana mao ang pagsuporta sa pag-uswag sa National Democratic Revolution thru armed struggle. And then, implement the NDFP 12 Point Program.

  5. #255
    we all say education is very important yet we fail to see the kind of educational system being implemented. Our educational system is only a cookie-cutter, it does not teach people to solve problems and do critical thinking but teaches you to be nothing more than a drone, an obedient worker.

    yet we stilll wonder why people don't care? when the fact is that most people don't know what the fk is going on.
    Last edited by grovestreet; 03-25-2009 at 11:38 AM.

  6. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill View Post
    The rich will never do it on their own. The duty of govt is to protect the weak,. with hYperwage .it must be by law.
    The single and fastest way to distribute wealth is through the hyperwage theory. it eliminates corruption by distributing wealth through higher salaries directly to employees!

  7. #257
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Michael View Post
    Ang tubag sa pangutana mao ang pagsuporta sa pag-uswag sa National Democratic Revolution thru armed struggle. And then, implement the NDFP 12 Point Program.
    Arms struggle? will this not result into civil war? mas pait pa na bay kaysa atong current scenario. If you have kids, you wouldn't dare suggest arm struggle. Maybe you are single.

  8. #258
    solve??hmmm...i doubt if it's solvable..^_^

  9. #259
    self descipline!!!!!!

  10. #260
    its all about government corruption! no corruption no poverty! and most important MAG-KAISA!!!!!

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