
website launched on January 13, 2006 in Cebu City Sports Club(Made possible thru FEDEX Philippines).

[img width=500 height=276]http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/8885/zugbuanaonfirefoxpc8fw.jpg[/img]

Background of the organization:

What is Zugbuana:
Zugbuana is a Jaycees chapter which has exclusive membership for ladies in Cebu, Philippines. It has always been in the forefront of many socio-civic activities in Cebu and its nearby provinces.

What is Jaycees(JCI):
JCI (Junior Chamber International), Inc., is a worldwide federation of young professionals and entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 40.

What is Zugbuana Chapter of JCI:
"The Jaycee is indeed a powerful movement and a superior training ground for leaders. It has fostered friendships between, enhanced the growth of and added more meaning to the lives chosen female individuals who accepted the call of creating positive change- the call of the Zugbuana Junior Chamber."
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Website background:

Joomla! Version: Joomla! 1.0.3 Stable [ Sunlight ]

utilizing the pre-built "247shockColorPack453" from mamboteam.com using primarily the black and the blue joomla templatecolor pack. it is highly customized and modified both the template file and the css to add the 3 major functionalities:

1. text resize(using the style changer)
2. site color changer (using the "index.php?jos_change_template=" tag)
3. google translate of 5 languages(courtesy of joomlahacks.com thru ross alvarez)

minor design modification:
1. flash header (courtesy of raeldc and toni ho both from joomlaConsultancy)
2. bg and module header images
3. ANIMATED favicon(on gif instead of the converntional .ico format)

joomla components used:
1. joomla-smf integration
2. newflash scroller
3. swmenu (by Sean White)
4. ExtCalendar 2
5. Gallery2 intergration
6. Community Builder RC2
7. others soon to be deployed..

external applications:
1. Simple Machines Forum
2. Gallery2
3. others soon to be deployed..

site tested to be cross-browser compatible (firefox, opera, internet explorer, netscape, mac-safari, mac-firefox):

[img width=500 height=573]http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/9100/zugbuanascreenshot4vs.jpg[/img]
^^safari screenshot on mac

- guilliam