Philippine nationalism and claims of American imperialist ambition aside, it's become pretty clear that our military cannot deal with the bandits and insurgents by themselves. It's not so much a matter of competence, but our soldiers have their hands tied by the vagaries of local and national politics. A CIA or CIA-trained team working in the black will have no such restrictions (after all, they're not even supposed to be there).
Last year, uber-journalist Bob Woodward (of Watergate Scandal fame) hinted at some super-secret technology being used by US assassination teams in Iraq. He credited the deployment of this technology with helping quell the spiraling insurgency (which has indeed been nearly eradicated). The insurgent leadership, he said, should be 'very very afraid' as they were being picked out one by one with the aid of this new technology.
He never said what it was, but hinted that the details, if revealed, are nothing short of mind-boggling. The resources and level of secrecy surrounding this technology are, by Woodward's assertions, nearly on the scale of the Manhattan Project which produced the atomic bomb in World War II.
Later on, details began to leak of a new optical camouflage technology perfected by the US military. It is essentially a cloak that renders its wearer invisible. Yes, something like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak.
Last year, a video began circulating on the internet. It was taken by Iraqi insurgents who planted an improvised explosive device (IED) that took out an M1 Abrams tank. Somewhere towards the end of the video, a transparent figure runs into the frame and climbs onto another tank. Could this be the new technology Bob Woodward talked about in his new book?
And could this technology have found its way to black teams working in the Philippines? That's not far-fetched.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would say Red Cross worker Andreas Notter was rescued by CIA teams using this super-secret optical technology. Notter says the person guarding him while they were walking down the mountainside "tripped" and when he looked, the bandit had disappeared. The bandit walking ahead of him likewise disappeared. His captors could have easily been picked off by one of those assassination teams. But I'd say that only if I were a conspiracy theorist.
Anyway, here's the video:
U.S. Optical Camouflage Technology Exposed in Iraq | DarkGovernment
The transparent figure in question comes running from the right side of the screen about 2:58 into the video. Real thing or fake? You be the judge.
But boy would I love to have one of these for Airsoft!