I have heard about sky cable internet offers cheaper and bigger bandwidth though it is for residential purposes only and also for selected area as far as i know. anybody currently using this kind of connection maybe can share their experience and can tell about the performance of this ISP? please if anybody out there.
Facts about this sky cable internet connection are:
1. They use fibre optic as thier backbone connection.
2. They have sealed cable connection.(no grounded or open wire exposed to humidity)
3. Fibre optic operates higher speed than wired connection.
Facts about telephone wired internet:
I will explain first a bit about telephone connection. I work before in the telephone company particularly in the installation department. There are several problems occurred in the telephone connection which can affect the internet connectivity.
1. They have open wires (damaged) due to wear and tear condition which can affect connection when exposed to water.
2. When the tel wire i exposed to water and heat will produce corrosion of the copper wire that leads to grounded and loose of connection.
3. Copper wire is less in conductivity.
That's why I open this topic to prove their claim to be the fastest internet connection. Feel free to give your comment, reactions and suggestions. TY!