kei ra...hehe bsta di lng mng-rape...
kei ra...hehe bsta di lng mng-rape...
hahaha...sobra raman gud ka friendly ang uban mga girls nato...mao kung ma******an....moingon dayon na girape...hmmm!!! bisan ang motive kay mangwarta ra jud...kung tarong ug huna-huna na babae dili man cguro mag jam2x specially anang mga foreigners...kabalo na baya ta ana nila na hilig kaau ug tseks...hehehehe
hehe.. dli na cla mahurot bro.. coz wala nay business.. ang gubatē is business... kung hutdon cla walay rason mag gubat..pang pasaka sa ratings pud..lolz
wala nsad mo saka nga rank.. if you observe... tanang mga commander didto nga assign saka dayon rank then nice ug position sa AFP....![]()
Do you really believe this? We do not control al Qaeda, and the Philippine government does not control the MILF. Do you think the national government wanted to create a Bangsamoro homeland? Of course not! No more than the US wants to be losing the war in Afghanistan, or wanted to have the World Trade Center destroyed on American soil. The US does not need to invent terrorist organizations to justify its military power. There are more than enough terrorists and evil people in the world already. I am a citizen of this country and I know how Americans think and how the government works. I promise you, we are not conspiring to conquer the world. If anything, we are conspiring to save it!
Sorry to the other posters, I do not speak Tagalog so I cannot tell what most of you are saying.
Save it? Save it from yourselves. Your imperialistic ambition has caused tremendous suffering & misery all around the world. Your presence in my country for more than 100 yrs. validates the fact of your hold in our economy & politics. In your "Manifest Destiny" dictum -your govt. wasted more than a million Filipino lives. U should study history. Why did your govt. systematically & almost completely eradicated the numerous American Indian tribes & launched your forced indoctrination & assimilation program of its people? Why do U have military bases in 130 countries? U have appointed yourselves as the world's policeman but it is just the devious way of deodorizing your imperialistic greed & lust for power. Ur so called civic humanitarian programs & military presence in these countries is to project a false image of deception & in that guise protect greedy Corporate AmeriKKKa's interest. Specifically, the Zionist agenda. Do some critical thinking, man! There are objective resources all around U. Educate yourself!![]()
I am aware of our history, and I am deeply sorry for it. Actually, our history is exactly the reason we don't do those things anymore. We have tried to learn from our mistakes.
The KKK is a hated and reviled organization in my country, precisely for the reason that it is a relic of our former racist and intolerant attitude toward the world. We are not that nation anymore.Why do U have military bases in 130 countries? U have appointed yourselves as the world's policeman but it is just the devious way of deodorizing your imperialistic greed & lust for power. Ur so called civic humanitarian programs & military presence in these countries is to project a false image of deception & in that guise protect greedy Corporate AmeriKKKa's interest.
I will not pretend that America is free of corruption and greed. Americans are human beings and just as prone to those things as anyone else in the world. Our former President and Vice President George Bush and Dick Cheney are an example of that. They were convinced of the "peak oil" hypothesis, which said that the world's oil was going to start to run out around the year 2004. Scientists who argued for the "peak oil" theory believed there were going to be wars over the world's oil fields, especially between China and Russia and the US. I'm convinced that Bush went into Iraq in order to establish US military presence there in case Russia and China tried to move in and control the oil fields once the oil ran out. And then he rewarded Dick Cheney's friends at Halliburton, Inc. with billions of dollars of redevelopment contracts there. There's a reason George Bush was one of the most unpopular presidents in recent American history. It's because he was corrupt, and Americans do not support corruption. For what it's worth, I was against the Iraq war from the beginning.
Today, though, we are pulling our troops out of Iraq, and placing the government back in the hands of Iraqis. We are righting the wrongs Bush caused in the name of fear and greed. Americans only supported the Iraq war in the first place because they believed it was about freedom and stopping terrorism. We have managed to fulfill those goals in spite of the secret agenda of the old administration. However corrupt certain leaders may be, the majority of our country knows what is right and is determined to do it. Please do not paint us all with the same brush.
There are some Christian Zionists in America who believe that the Jews are God's chosen people and should be protected at all costs. Not all Americans believe that, though. Mostly America is an ally of Israel because Israel is surrounded by dangerous and hateful enemies who would commit genocide against Israelis if they had the chance. America does not want a repeat of the Holocaust. The hatred of Jews in parts of the Muslim world is positively astounding.Specifically, the Zionist agenda.
Best wishes,
CHINA nalang ta magpasakop kay dli mo sa US? WAKE UP!!!!! Ang U.S. nitabang ang protect sa problema natu sa terrorism ug sa atung teritorial boundary. Kong mawala ning U.S., manawag tang MAGELLAN? hehehhe.naay Air Force walay Airplane, naay Navy waay klaro gna barko ig gugubat? what are you guys talking about? Pasalamat ta......
crazy idea ...
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