Hi there
There are FOUR (4) ways to make your own website:
ONE: Buy pre-designed templates and then just edit the text to make it your own contents.
TWO: using WYSIWYG method, this is using different software available out there that has
pre-programmed buttons like if you want to make a table just press the button table, and
then it will ask you to specify how many rows and columns and then when you do, the
program will automatically convert them into HTML codes.
THREE: do the HTML coding from scrath. you can use any HTML editor available or use your
NOTEPAD (available in most in most Windows, see Accessories). If you want to do the
coding from scrath, you need to learn the langauge HTML, the most basic you need to know
to learn to do the website designing.
FOUR: Pay somebody to do it for you. You need $$$
For the THIRD OPTION, try this:
Step 1: open your NOTEPAD
Step 2: open NEW FILE in the NOTEPAD
Step 3: copy-and-paste this code in the NOTEPAD:
<title>My First WebSite</title>
<font size=15, color=#FF0000>THIS IS MY FIRST WEBSITE!</font>
Step 4: save the above code as mysite.html
make sure to use SAVE AS, and make sure your filename extension is .html NOT .txt
(make sure you remember where you save your file, try My Documents)
Step 5: open a new WINDOWS Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator and then go to menu
FILE > OPEN > c:\my documents\...mysite.html
Step 6: what you see is your FIRST Website, offline.
Step 7: To have it online for everyone to see, you need a WEB HOSTING SERVER where you
can save your web files. Then register you own domain name like
www.whateveryoulikehere.com and have your domain name point to your file saved in your
web hosting server. There are many website that offer FREE WEB SPACE but the catch is
they can put whatever they want, ads links, pop-up windows, banners, etc (the things
that annoys most people, and chances are not return to your site again because of these
ads). If you want to make your website more exclusive and have you in full control of
the contents then its better to pay $$ to have web hosting space.
Hope this helps you. Have fun.