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if they won't eat dog food. give them several necks of chicken. give it raw! you'll see your dogs chow down on them like they haven't eaten in a long time. maka lingaw tan.awon! if you have a small dog, you may want to chop it 1st before giving it to them. chicken neck has the right/enough nutrients needed by your dog. you may add 1 raw egg with it. please include the shell since this is the protein your dog needs.
another way is to give them ground beef but kinda expensive though.... it does wonders with their health and especially the coat! hehehe
if you have been into dogs for a long time... you will know that chicken is a NO-NO to dogs. specially the chicken bones... and specially the "chicken NECK". chicken neck is where chicken gets their injections, so on the neck part its always concentrated in that area ang mga tambal na gi inject diha if naa man tambal nga gi inject.
giving a dog RAW meat is GOOD if your'e grooming your dog for a PREY DRIVE to hunt, kill and eat RAW. if you give RAW chicken meat mag pangita hinoon na ug RAW meat sa chicken if maka kita gani na ug chicken drive ana kay to kill and eat that RAW. thats the logic of that.
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