this is way better than 4400. nagka dugay nag ka lame na ang 4400...
this is way better than 4400. nagka dugay nag ka lame na ang 4400...
cute bitaw bb parkman. buhi pa c tracy? nitulo mn ang tears ato. malingaw jud ko aning hiro ug ando buh
i bet tracy is still alive. a possible explanation would be that her powers evolved making her not just control the moisture in the air and turn it into ice, but also turn her body into organic ice! her cold snap was awesome! and kidding aside, dili to tears ang nitulo wui, tubig ra to na nalanay! whehehe!
I remember that time the reporter(first victim sa iya ice power) called her Ice Queen.
it makes sense for her icy power
sa ka duagy muhlihuk ang story wala nay lami mag huwat2 kapoy kaau
I liked this line
by Peter Petreli
"I kneel before you, asking for your help, do you even listen?"
naa na shapeshifting power si sylar.
lisod na cya madakpan.
danko and sylar makes the latest episode interesting.
nag family mattersl pa man ang pertrelli clan.
you better savor this season because this series ain't coming back.
unsa mani ni sylar oi? cge ra kakuha new powers ang uban wa jud hehehe. anyways boring mn for me ang latest episode .. wa c hiro, wa c bb parkman, cge emote2x c nathan ug claire. blah blah blah.
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