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  1. #181


    The real problem in this issue is not only Nicole but also the people who are using this as a propaganda to wave their anti-VFA, anti-American, anti-government sentiments (The Gabriela, a branch party of the CPP/NPA). CPP/NPA are are known for manipulating uneducated people into their cause.

    Learn More: Other Branches of the CPP/NPA
    YouTube - Ang Tunay na Kulay ng CPP/NPA

    Watch also part 2 and part 3

  2. #182

    Default 'Nicole' recants

    Godsaint, I didn't ask for timeline of events written by a newspaper.. I want the evidentiary information that you keep referring to! Your lengthy "timeline" had nothing to do with PHYSICAL EVIDENCE to support the crime of rape..It is nothing more than "he said/she said" testimony, and that isn't enough for a conviction. She said, "he raped me".. he said, "it wasn't rape, it was consentual ***". How do you choose which one to believe?? You must look to the evidence for the answer, my friend. Use your head on this one, not your heart. An allegation of a crime simply isn't enough to justify a 40 year prison sentence.. Anyway, the conviction is now frustrated because it was built entirely upon a foundation of false information. And you still want him to go to jail? Why haven't we seen anything else in the news lately? Because it's an embarrassment that NEVER should have made it to trial in the first place. Even the staunchest supporters of Smith's conviction have distanced themselves from this turkey. One order of sour grapes, please.
    Last edited by Vince Russo; 03-28-2009 at 08:23 PM. Reason: grammatical error

  3. #183
    AFAIK ... dating bck when the incident started , its safer to say because I firmly believed its not a crime that there are no strong evidences involved other than just mere politically correct interest . There wasnt even a MEDICO LEGAL INVESTIGATION that very moment , not till weeks passed then diha na gi conduct .

    On the issue of the soldier , its hard to justify his actions just because of is color and the FILIPINA is our homegirl so we tend to be biased . Its plain wrong , why dont we give also the same sentiments and hatred to the white boy to the fellow FILIPINO RAPIST ?

    ANyhoo .... in the first place , can anyone here tell me what was NICOLE doing in that STRIP BAR in the first place ? You guys dont even have to be there , been there or was there . Plain commonsense should suffice the inquiry .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    ANyhoo .... in the first place , can anyone here tell me what was NICOLE doing in that STRIP BAR in the first place ? You guys dont even have to be there , been there or was there . Plain commonsense should suffice the inquiry .
    Mao bitaw, that's I don't believe her on the first place when the news broke out. Kay kung tarong ka pag-katawo dili ka mo adto ug bar kung ikaw ra usa.

    Mura ba ug iya na gi-plano.

  5. #185
    C.I.A. godsaint's Avatar
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    Offering the victim P100,000 cold cash and a visa to US,clearly shows that Smith is guilty.So is uncle Sam.
    Last edited by godsaint; 03-29-2009 at 08:50 AM.

  6. #186
    @ GODSAINT .... that is not a proof or grounds that the suspects are GUILTY . Lol ... kamabaw ra gud nimo ug panancha ?

    - Accepting 100K in PHP clearly shows how FILIPINAS are in the image of NICHOL na mao ra man diay na kantidad niya kay basin gibayran ra siya ug 1K ra cguro mao ni syagit siya ug rape .

    - WHo cares about US VISA ? Hehehe ... As per the reports , she is happily living in the US with her bf/fiancee/husband .

    - WHo would want to go to the US anyway specially in the height of people eating almost only twice a day ?

    - To enlihten you , pila na ka tuig in custody si Smith ? DUgay dugay na pod sa sala na di siya guilty . To end all the ruckus , chaos and brouhaha ... heck even if its 1,000,000 PHP instad of 100K , why not ? Even an instant blue passport , why not also ?

    - Para nimo guilty si Uncle Sam and Smith ... para namo si NICHOL humok ug ilong .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  7. #187
    Quote Originally Posted by godsaint View Post
    Simple as that a woman under the influenced of liquor brought into van then have *** with her,can be considered rape already.Again the issue here is the VFA.Nicole is still the victim here.
    A woman influenced by liquor and have *** with her SPECIALLY from a BAR flrting(dancing included) to a foreigner is not NEW to this country and is not considered rape.. it is known as ONE NIGHT STAND FYI (or worst shes a prosti..)

    Nicole recant her statement and she said no rape was done.. case closed.
    and for those Anti-Gov supporters, pangita nalang mo ug laing KASO na abusohon na pd..
    THe court find SMith guilty because of Nicole initial statements, and pressure from press not to mention Gabriela and others.

    And of course those guys are afraid sa VFA because our military will learn a lot of things with regards to warfare and KUROG ITLOG mga rebelde ug rebelde supporters..

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by godsaint View Post
    Offering the victim P100,000 cold cash and a visa to US,clearly shows that Smith is guilty.So is uncle Sam.
    If you could get your head out of ur ass for once and think clearly. 1st, the 100k was ordered by the court. 2nd, all you idiots are so desperate to feed your ego and hate admitting your stupidity have to resort to propaganda, like 100k, visa. etc. When it was people like you who started all this trouble in the first place

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by eax View Post
    Mao bitaw, that's I don't believe her on the first place when the news broke out. Kay kung tarong ka pag-katawo dili ka mo adto ug bar kung ikaw ra usa.

    Mura ba ug iya na gi-plano.
    sakto jd. mao nai gi ingon nga desperada!

  10. #190
    C.I.A. godsaint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruzader View Post
    If you could get your head out of ur ass for once and think clearly. 1st, the 100k was ordered by the court. 2nd, all you idiots are so desperate to feed your ego and hate admitting your stupidity have to resort to propaganda, like 100k, visa. etc. When it was people like you who started all this trouble in the first place
    Relax joe ang pwusoo mooo.Just like you and vince rowsoo,and others who easily concluded and sided with this rapist daniel Smith claimimg that Nicole is a liar because of her recantment.Again and again Im staying with the courts decision.daniel "rapist"Smith was proven guilty by the court of law in the Philippines.whatever and whoever is behind this recantment,its up the the court to prove it.I have shared my opinion and you have said yours.Kung mayron pa kayong reklamo,sa korte na lang kayo magpaliwanag!!
    Last edited by godsaint; 03-29-2009 at 10:11 PM.

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