we should also consider the fact that certain chinese-filipinos play by these stereotypes to get an edge. one would rather trust a chinese-filipino rather than a pure blooded pinoy when talking about whose business venture he/she is suppose to invest into. the "interactive" realtionship suggests that the effect can also come from the other way around.
this, in itself is an example of an unequal playing field.
as neo-neanderthal had suggested, we only look at what is today. we fail to realize that certain things could be twisted to benefit certain people. in the end, what is supposed to be a story about their notorious rise to fame and glory, has become their noble biography to success.
and, i have to mention this again, the chinese version of pakikisama; giving the politicians what they want, for them to incur certain favors... the Lopezes, the Tans, the Cojuancos of this world are prime examples. and please do not tell me that all of it was good old plain hardwork.
if being poor is a sin, then i do not know if these people will go to heaven because of their material wealth, or will burn in eternal damnation because of the untold notorious and dastradly secrets they have of how they amassed with such wealth.