Ninjas - better known for stealth and sneaky tactics.
Samurai - lives, fights, and dies for pride, honor, and dignity.
Ninjas are more acrobatic, athletic and agile while samurais prefer to "set things in motion" on the ground. Unless you're watching anime where you might be able to see samurais that are acrobatic(take for example, Mugen from Samurai Champloo)
But if given the chance to learn both their skills and characteristics, maybe... would make me look like a Wushu Sword Fighter(kinda like Huang Fei Hong with Wushu sword).
Acrobatic, athletic, and agile minus the stealth factor but lives, fights, and dies for pride, honor and dignity.
Wushu Sword Fighters(reminds me of "Sokka" from Avatar: The Last Airbender) carries a sword much lighter than a samurai's but are also considered deadly weapons. I prefer being this type of character cuz' It's more versatile and convenient for me...
... That's all folks!