In Carcar, you can check out the St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral whose architecture baffles a few photographers because of the moorish resemblance, then head out to balay na tisa which reminds you of how rich cebuanos used to live during spanish times. If your adventurous enough, head out the public market which serves delicious Lechon all day.
Heading south, you can stop by Argao to the Riverstone Castle. A replica of a castle made out of riverstones from Argao. At the town plaza of Argao, check out the old church and the small chapel near the arc. The purpose of the chapel is unknown but it is believed to be a chapel for departed children. You can also ask for Alex K. Gonzales who is the tourism officer of Argao. Don't forget to stop at Chitang's for authentic Torta de Argao.
Further south, go to Boljoon to see the Patrocinio De Maria Church / Belfry and Rectory near the rectory it houses the Boljoon musuem which boasts artifacts found during a recent archeological digging. here's a site i used when i was assigned to do a south of cebu shoot for Zee Lifestyle:
Argao, Cebu Philippines Tourism
Boljoon Heritage
don't be shy to ask for the tourism office. most of the municipalities will be more than happy to help you with your trip.
happy shooting and happy trip.