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I really appreciate your comment honey2723 since I myself a banker before. And that's why here I am asking some suggestions from good people over here for a friend. And as to where he got the money? maybe that's a premature contention at this time. The right person and right agency may ask that. But for my personal opinion however, I suggest to my friend Real Estate Business. Industry is about to hit the floor, from then it has nowhere to go but up. Hope for more good opinion over here bros....Thanks ahead.
When putting up a business, be it a franchise, start-up business, real-estate business, one thing you have to remember is that you need to be ready for the worst. Don't just anticipate for the best. For example, you planned on putting up a business, then upon implementation it required you to put in more capital. If you are not ready to face that scenario, I don't think putting up a business is in your best interest. For real estate business, I may not be a guru in this field, but there's one thing I know for sure. You should be ready for the scenario that you're money will be sitting for quite some time. If you're plan is to use up the income immediately, then you may be putting yourself at risk. At risk of loosing more money allowing the way.
Remember, that as an investment, it means that it's an extra income that you can afford to loose. Money that you can afford to work for quite some time before you can get passive income from them. In order for you to be successful in any investment, make sure you did due diligence in checking the pros and cons of it. So that if something goes wrong, it's something that you've prepared yourself for. Dili nga matagbaw ka ug blame ug laing taw for the problem. You made the decision, you take 100% responsibility for whatever happens. Just my 2 cents.