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Sorry bout the name, just copied and paste it from wikipedia sir.
We tried to feed it mice but it wouldnt take them. So we tried the chick, at one point we though it would eat the chick already but nothing happened.
Bloody ****!! It bloody escaped, eh? Great that it didn't end up as a road pizza, or in somebody else's tukka. hehehe...
By the looks of it, i believe it's because of the injury it has on its snout (that's a pretty nasty and bloody big open wound) a big more reason why it snubs the grub. I suggest a dab of antiseptics, probably a weak iodine sol'n will do (don't use anti-biotics). Try to keep the injured area dry too, so not to excacerbate the injury. Do this by giving him a shallow tub to soak on, instead of misting the enclo. And i suggest dry wood-shavings as substrate, this would also help absorb the excess moisture inside the enclo, helps it dry its skin too..
And probaby stressed-out due to its new environ and the even more recent stress it incurred (escaping and ending up on a hot road underneath a vehicle). Guess you'll have to sit this one out for a while mate and let the wound heal up a bit..
If you really want to feed the snake (specially if you notices it slugging around and acting bit clammy), then you'll have to force-feed it.. Kill a small mice, dip it in tepid hot water, and force the tukka down the snake's gullet. Careful not to injure the snake though..