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  1. #1

    Default Best heartache song for a heartbroken one and why?

    just a survey guys.. heartache song playlist w/c most describe that the person is aching badly as in grabe na suicidal na jd....hhuhuhu...

  2. #2
    nah mao.. suicidal nga playlist wala ko ana pero heartaches nga songs i have some in mind..:

    1. The Art of letting go; Mikaila
    2. Til' I get over you; Christina Millan
    3. Tonight I wanna cry; Keith Urban
    4. Ikaw lang ghapon; Kabobo
    5. Could've been; Tiffany
    6. All these time; Six part Invention
    7. Umaasa lang sayo; six part invention
    8.If i were you; Tamia
    9. How can i not love you; Joy Enriquez
    10. Losing the love; Joy Enriquez

    Mao ra ni cya ang mga songs nga makahilak nimo so far... sa akong opinion lang ha.. ^_^

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by nitesky View Post
    nah mao.. suicidal nga playlist wala ko ana pero heartaches nga songs i have some in mind..:

    1. The Art of letting go; Mikaila
    2. Til' I get over you; Christina Millan
    3. Tonight I wanna cry; Keith Urban
    4. Ikaw lang ghapon; Kabobo ./
    5. Could've been; Tiffany
    6. All these time; Six part Invention
    7. Umaasa lang sayo; six part invention ./
    8.If i were you; Tamia
    9. How can i not love you; Joy Enriquez
    10. Losing the love; Joy Enriquez

    Mao ra ni cya ang mga songs nga makahilak nimo so far... sa akong opinion lang ha.. ^_^
    nice ang #4 og #7.... naa pa lain....

    Bisan Pa - Wet Slipperz
    Hello! - Fervent
    Goodbye - Late Weekend
    Samad sa Dughan - Castle Freak
    Nanghihinayang - Jeremiah
    Iniwan Mo - Stunnagirl

  4. #4
    fixin a broken heart..haha

  5. #5
    the used
    martin nivera songs.
    mao ni ako paminawon if ever brokenhearted ang show. and its effective
    Last edited by monmon; 03-09-2009 at 10:12 PM.

  6. #6
    SET YOU FREE by SIDE A: such a sad song labi na sa line na But everytime we meet
    Makes leaving you so much harder
    So how are we to know That this just wasn't so
    That we just have to let each other go.. .. everytime i listen to this song i end up crying.. huuuhu..

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by naj ice View Post
    just a survey guys.. heartache song playlist w/c most describe that the person is aching badly as in grabe na suicidal na jd....hhuhuhu...
    grabe naman sad ng suicidal ses.. ehehe..

  8. #8
    "all along you were the one, all the time i never knew"

    that song. can't remember the title

  9. #9
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    akong gigamit sa pagedit sa video project sa ako uyab sa isa ka suicide scene dayon funeral scene dayon daghan daw kahilakon ato nga scene pagtanaw sa audience ug daghan naganahan sa akong pagedit tungod ato... *sniff*

    matching kaayo ang music *sniff sniff*

    pero ang old album version sa song ako gigamit kay mas emotional... *sniff* *sneeze*

  10. #10
    Magbabalik - Callalily
    Only One - Yellowcard
    I'll never get over you getting over me - MYMP version ako ganahan
    Wherever you are - southborder

    daghan jd ayu sad songs, especially songs that would remind you of him/her...

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