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  1. #171

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Joseph:.. do you think that these "DIAMONDS" have the chance to shine with its brilliance in the near future? .. JUST BE REALISTIC... forget about the ideals and all that drama. Our national identity? HA! what do you think other people thinks of a typical Filipino nowadays? Now, would you still want to be identified that way? As long as the country doesn't have a major makeover, we will still be identified as that in years to come.

    Sayon ra kaayo mo ingon ug "YOU FIX IT" ... of course, mao nay solution.. to fix it! But how? and When? And would this really happen? Both you and Gareb have stated that the Philippine Culture (It's SOUL) is heavily tainted... and you both are very optimistic that it can be remedied.. can it REALLY be easily remedied is the big question there. If it was this case hell, the Philippines doesn't need anybody!

    If you ask me... I'd trade my soul just to give my kids a chance to experience a good and comfortable upbringing.

    Why pamper life's complexities when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?

  2. #172

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    we are good in inputs but no outputs

    i respect your opinions but if we dont do something to change our country our words is useless

    i think we need a helping hand like US y? theyre powerful but u can react now if u disagree to my idea im ready to listen.Powerful enough to fully utilize the Philippine reosurces economically and well-organized.Poor children will be sent to school,roads will be fixed immediately,more business oppurtunities,more manpower,security maximized and established.....that's all i can say

  3. #173

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    @EZRA &KeYmAkEr: We have exactly the same point. In a nutshell, here's how I see & assess the situation: We have been nationalistic for too long and even demonstrated that we are very good patriots but where has it led us?

    Let us accept that "our system" and the people running it has never and will never work for us. Talking with experience, strained patience and seeing how things are going, I think it is time to accept that it will NO LONGER CHANGE. Take for example Columbia & I'm not talking about their narco-politics, just look at their culture & government, we are very similar to them. Other examples, are Mexico, Cuba, Argentina etc. I think a super power country such as, the United States really has to intervene in these countries because the ones in power are literally ruling it with an iron hand and enjoying all the comfort while their people are ailing. It is time for a higher power to intervene because we can't simply do it on our own anymore because "our own" is our problem to begin with. We can't trust our own people anymore and we are doomed to corruption because those same corrupt political dyansties still run our government from generation to generation and we can't even trust ourselves anymore because we still vote for those same people and make them win or they still win by hook or by crook.

    As I've said in my previous post, the elite buys their way into government to protect their businesses and properties and not for public service. Worst, they eventually make publice service their business. They don't want big foreign firms that offer utility services because they will run out of business. These firms will offer better, faster & CHEAPER services than the local players and they are so scared and working like crazy to block these firms from entering the country by passing mediocre laws because only THEM will be affected and disadvantaged. Through a much better competition, they will die a natural death.

    To HELL with Nationalism and the hope for change, we have given it enough time already. What we Filipinos need is at least a decent Life because it has been long overdue. So, we should grab every lifeline and opportunity tossed at us. As the saying goes, "Beggars can't be Choosers." Indeed we are beggars because our government chose so and we chose our government. Why do you think OFW's are always given a red carpet welcome and declared as modern heroes of today? It is because they are accepted as our link and our hope to a better life by another country. Now, what if we remove that link and be that other country that offers a better life?

    Being a state is just changing the system of government. It doesn't take away our culture, our heritage, our blood or who we are as a people. That is why America is filled with a lot of very rich and diverse cultures and they respect each one of it. You can never take away prejudice and discrimination. It exists anywhere in the world even in our offices. That is human nature but they are only a few. That is something we have to deal with which for me is not so much of a problem compared to a lot of other bigger problems that we are facing.

    What is nationalistic pride without human dignity?

    "It is not the strongest species that would survive, nor the most intelligent people, but the one most responsive to change" - Charles Darwin

  4. #174

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    OT: I dare anybody to disagree with me that having foreign firms limited to utility services such as electricity, water, communication, Internet, cable TV, TV stations will be better for "most" us?

    Who will stand to gain?
    Of course, all of us and the government through appropriate taxes. Local and foreign firms should be taxed the same. When this happens, the buying power of the minimum wage will be extended and will go a long way because of cheaper services. This will also create more jobs.

    Who will stand to lose?
    The existing Filipino runned companies who offers mediocre, sub-standard services mostly if not all, owned by the elite, corrupt political dynasties and THEM only. This will in no way affect the SME's because utility services do not belong to their category so there is no competition.

  5. #175

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Lytslpr we are not arguing here if we should cut ties with the Americans and accepting AID from them.

    When are we gonna change our attitudes? we can start now if we want too... but the sad part is, we don't want to change. We just wait for the guava to fall, so that we can have a better life.

    <O.T.> Who says we are poor when almost every Filipino owns a cellphone. Even people in the squatters area. (Just a funny observation of mine. )

  6. #176
    Because we are poor, shall we be vicious? vern's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    *cheers for EZRA and LytSlpr. Bravo!

  7. #177
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Quote Originally Posted by EZRA
    JUST BE REALISTIC... forget about the ideals and all that drama. Our national identity? HA! what do you think other people thinks of a typical Filipino nowadays? Now, would you still want to be identified that way? As long as the country doesn't have a major makeover, we will still be identified as that in years to come.
    this is what i have been telling u all along EZRA. if we do not have some drastic changes soon enough, we will be swallowed up in the quagmire of our own making. it is easier said than done, how true, but it is worth every effort. to debase and render ourselves servile under a foreign power... do you not think this a much worse and ridiculous situation? we will be the the butt end of all the jokes in the world!

    if we are ashamed of being a filipino now, how much more can we be ashamed of being once a filipino, but sacrificed it because we did not knew how to stand on our own two feet. a rather pathetic situation, do you not think?

    we need no temporary remedies, my friend. we need drastic solutions. as long as the people do not see the need of such, then i fear that implementing such changes will never occur, and we, as a nation, as a people, as a country, will fail.

    it is not easy... no it is NEVER easy to change ourselves. but it can be done. the question is, are we ready to sacrifice for it?

    Quote Originally Posted by EZRA
    If you ask me... I'd trade my soul just to give my kids a chance to experience a good and comfortable upbringing.
    an admirable quality. but trade our souls for what and with whom? daghan ang oportunista bisan asa. ang uban nag panggap nga maayong tawo. magbantaylang ta. naghan nang nabiktima sa maling akala.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  8. #178
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    I think a super power country such as, the United States really has to intervene in these countries because the ones in power are literally ruling it with an iron hand and enjoying all the comfort while their people are ailing.
    and why can't us, the people in this country, do the changing ourselves? because we cannot? i have to disagree. we can, if we really want to. the "ailing people" who happens to be the majority can rise up and change things, only if they know they can.

    why give up the sovereignty of the counrty to a foreign power that has time and time again violated the rights of the filipinos time and time again? and why would they "intervene" with the present day conditions when they are benefiting from it? raw materials, market for surplus products, cheap labor... they will only "intervene" if they see that their interests in this country is in peril and make it look like they are doing it for "democracy and justice". let's not swallow this BS hook, line and sinker the same way we did so many times before. we have suffered enough of this.

    we have so many obstacles to overcome. first is the power of the few elite. second is foreign influcence's power (and yes, it is the US), third is ourselves.

    the elite will not easily give in their control. the foreign powers will not let their investments in this country to be shaken up. and we have before us the painstaking process of a cultural makeover.

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    We can't trust our own people anymore and we are doomed to corruption because those same corrupt political dyansties still run our government from generation to generation and we can't even trust ourselves anymore because we still vote for those same people and make them win or they still win by hook or by crook.
    the very same personages in the government who are in cahoots with the foreign powers. who supplies the US with raw materials? them. they own vast tracts of land which are being made as plantations for sugar, tobacco, banana, coconuts, etc. who owns the big corporations that act as franchisers of the surplus products from the States? them. and who are these corrupt people in power? the very same people.

    why should the US "intervene" then when its puppets in power are actually is doing a great job in its behalf?

    this, my friend, is what we want to exchange our nationalism for. even today that we call ouselves an "independent and sovereign country" yet our economy is controlled by the foreign powers... translating to the current suffering of the people that we are bantering about in here.

    as u can see, they do not care what happens to us, as long as they benefit. their failures they cover up with nice flowery flag-waving propaganda. their unjust policies they convert to nice flowery catch phrases such as "trade liberalization" when in reality it kills the people that is below its belt.

    so much for our delusion of the US being the benefactor.

    OT: post ur views bout foreign firms in utility companies in another topic. people might get interested and post.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  9. #179

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    I already stated a few posts back that the country needs a major makeover... not another EDSA drama.. but a more major one. Other than that, the country will always stay that way. Sad thing is, the people's mentallity as a whole will never change... tha majority will always be baduy and will always vote for the VIVA and SEIKO political parties. The majority can always be bought as well!!!!
    Will a major makeover happen soon? NO. I doubt that it will happen soon and that's reality. That's why I would welcome the idea of being a U.S. state cause all these aspirations will never ever happen.

    I'm not ashamed being a Filipino here sa States because I am a successful Filipino.. I overcame all the hardships and came to where I am right now. It's not that bad as you think diri sa States bai... life is good. I would never go back sa Pilipinas nya ngadto mag buhi ug pamilya. I can never be as successful as I am right now if naa ko sa diha sa Pilipinas.
    I follow the American law and pay taxes to Uncle Sam. In a couple of years I will get my citizenship and I will proudly welcome that. I may be Americanized or westernized and have adapted the American Culture after 10 years living here but regardless of everything, I will still and always will be a Filipino.

    Why pamper life's complexities when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?

  10. #180

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    vote for US state hood :why we would waste tym fo those politicos ,where is the healing process of some sort WALA, ilang presidenteng nagdaan pero ang problema ay nandyan paring ITS TIME TO CHANGE

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