Anybody here played this game? I know very few people have tried this
I'm not saying this is a nice game Its way gross and sickening.
For Anyone who wants to experience the sickest game ever just try this game.

Its so sick its even cool.
Its an FPS game where you're an ordinary everyday person living in an everday life. Missions like Go to a super market buy your grocery, or go to the bank get your paycheck,
go to the streets ask to sign for petition to passers by not to bann this game ect..
Except for your weapons
that you have a shotgun you can blow any persons head off. have a gallon of gasolin
splash any NPC passing by and use a match to set them burning running around.
or my favourite you can use your pee squirting to shoot any passerby until they vomit. You can do anything to any people, hehehe.
Its not a very high scored game but a must have for the sickest game ever.
Heres the complete review: