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  1. #1

    Default Globe issued modem to be used on PLDT ISP... Puede?

    hi everyone who'll read this post...

    I'm not sure if this is a new thread or not because I've searched this forum many times and I could not see any post related... (or wala lang jud ko kakita kay sayop ako method pag search ) so apologies lang daan.

    Can I use a globe issued modem over a PLDT ISP? Who among us have tried this?

    Please post your suggestions or experiences naman... Thank you.

  2. #2
    short answer, YES!

    unsa ang exact model number sa imo'ng Globe issued modem?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by rlcrl View Post
    short answer, YES!

    unsa ang exact model number sa imo'ng Globe issued modem?
    Really? Puede ra? I mean no legal issues whatsoever ha? If technical issues I'm quite pud na puede ra... But I'm thinking of legal matters bah.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by olmightysmiter View Post
    Really? Puede ra? I mean no legal issues whatsoever ha? If technical issues I'm quite pud na puede ra... But I'm thinking of legal matters bah.

    GLOBE/PLDT won't check your modem every now and then.. so ok ra siya.. But if some technical personnel would come in to your house due to some problems, dha na siguro ang Legal Matters mo take place..

    I'm experiencing such issue pud ron.. hehehe.. ang question lang is, if naka register ba ang S/N sa modem gigamit?

    coz before in our Globe connection, sige man ko pa-ilis og Modem and wala man siguro gi-record ang S/N, kato rang pag taod first time..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by stealthghost View Post
    GLOBE/PLDT won't check your modem every now and then.. so ok ra siya.. But if some technical personnel would come in to your house due to some problems, dha na siguro ang Legal Matters mo take place..

    I'm experiencing such issue pud ron.. hehehe.. ang question lang is, if naka register ba ang S/N sa modem gigamit?

    coz before in our Globe connection, sige man ko pa-ilis og Modem and wala man siguro gi-record ang S/N, kato rang pag taod first time..

    Exactly! That's what I want to find out... Murag I won't be able to get the technical support (as if naay pulos ilaha tech support) from either kay for sure di jud na sila musugot ug inana.

    Pero they don't ask the S/N bya sa Globe if mu call ko for support, not sure with PLDT though, wapako ka try.

  6. #6
    bro, technicaly pwede na ma gamit. pero legaly murag di gyud na pwede.

  7. #7
    pero legaly murag di gyud na pwede.
    I have to disagree. Kung mo gamit ka ug laing modem syempre dili ka nila ma support kung naay problema imong connection since dili sila ga provide sa modem. No legal issues kung mo gamit ka laing modem but technically there is because you can't have there support.

  8. #8
    puede na mura sa configuration ka maglisod kay wa idea unsa gamit sa pldt sa ila wan interfaces...

  9. #9
    Di ba puede na i set lang nako ang configurations nako sa PLDT na ISP into the modem by Globe? Would that work that easily? What if same model sa modem lang sila?

  10. #10
    short answer is ....pwede.

    the ISP couldn't care less what you're using ( you can use any modem/router you like ). no legal implications comes to mind. but by doing so, they can not give you support if you're going to have problem/s. you're on your own.

    i've tried it before with my h9200p & it worked. as long as you're up to it, it will work.

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