have you guys heard of the song "Obama's Elf"?
there's so much negativity, so much like FOX News
Obamas Elf? wala pa ..ngano mn na? sure ko sa mga leaders nga ga surround ni Obama noh? Di mn ka dudahan pud kay inexperience baya si Obama
here it is:
YouTube - Eric Carmen - All By MySelf (HQ)
listen closely to the chorus... it says Obama's Elf.
^lol tumpak hahaha
I Totally disagree
Obama is Filipino American
bitaw Congrats to Obama,I hope whites doe not humiliates him,give him a benefot of the doubts to prove himself that whatever color you are you deserve to be the President of the US or a state.Cheers!!!
Where's the change now.. OBAMAThe market has just backtracked to year 1997 levels... roughly 10 years of market gains GONE!!!!
Thanks to the New President and his administration - he said CHANGE was coming.. somehow it's not happening. The MARKET called his BLUFF!!! ...... Taxpayers: your 401K which is now 201K will soon be 101k .. or even 51k.
Why pamper life's complexities when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?
^ah, kadali pod sa imong change
according to economists, 2009 will be worse; 2010 will be a better year.
personally i think tough times will last longer *sigh*
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