pain?...i had t0o much 0f it that made my wh0le life shattered int0 single pieces...
l0ve?...i had given much but n0ne came back...
self pity?...m0re than what i feel t0 myself n0w....
regrets?...a l0t more t0 say...
understanding?....i c0uld 0nly get one 0f this fr0m myself...
acc0mplishments? n0t using it anyway...
n0w,im l0ssing all the alas in my cards...t0o d0wn t0 get g0ing...to0 lost t0 c0ntinue my j0urney...
h0w will i help myself.?..i kn0w, i had made mistakes and i was s0rry f0r it....i wanted t0 start
anew but h0w?....will i kill myself and wait f0r reincarnati0n t0 change and fath0m the way that
life's lead me in?...
pleasSsSsSsSsSe help....