this is nasa's satellite picture of the earth at night... guess how many lights?
this is nasa's satellite picture of the earth at night... guess how many lights?
migzz, naa koy iingon nimo... usik ra na sa oras ang molalis sa ingon ana nga tawo, kay buang siya... Sigi la'g cut-and-paste gikan sa mga fake and dishonest sources.Originally Posted by migzz
"It's no use arguing with a fool. Either way the fool thinks he's won."
OFFTOPIC @ ATOTOY aka YATAOY .... if you want to make an argument , present it to the post's and not to the poster . Sama ra sa kadtong naay ni sulti na mas LABAW na BUANG ang mo patol sa BUANG .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
The analogy is silly! Human's DON'T have 7 kids every year, or anyhting even remotely close to it! In fact, the Philippine average Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is BELOW 3 and quickly DROPPING! I have shown that before. Anyone who thinks that's enough for the runaway "exponential growth rate" being bandied about in your cut-and-paste article is out of his mind.Originally Posted by migzz
You're not thinking again. The point of this is that you have hilariously wrong interpretations of data. All you have are fantasies. I am showing you the reality.yeah right... dream on dude... tell that to the people of india so that they may feed us all...
The theoretical output of India's arable land using technology 15 years ago was enought to feed the entire world population (see Dr. J. Kasun's book [I}War on Popultion[/i]). The question to ask is WHY can't it?
The answer, if you decide to THINK, is NOT because of overpopulation. That is irrelevant to the question why the land is not putting out as much as it can, or why the food it does produce does not get to where it should. That's because output could far exceed consumption. So these are questions of management, distribution, and justice. Population contor solves none of these.
And this is known as PROGRESS, in case you have forgotten.The world's population 'boom' is not a result of an increase in birth rates, but rather a decrease in death rates.
That's exactly one of my points! And contraceptive population control will NOT solve it. But population growth WILL.What will the world be like with fewer and fewer children and more and more elderly people?
You seem to have trouble thinking clearly and putting your arguments in order. Let me help you.
Take the definition of overpopulation given by Merriam-Webster. It says there is "overpopulation" if it CAUSES certain undesirable effect. Therefore, simply posting raw data proves nothing. You must show a CAUSAL link. You know what that is? It means you must eliminate all other causes in such a manner so that the ONLYplausible cause of shortage (or whatever) is the single factor you wish to blame. In this case, population. Or you must show that all other causes are so minor that population is the MAJOR cause.
Either that or you must show a consistent mechanism of cause and effect, undiluted by other major factors, and repeatedly results in the effects you are afraid.
You have failed to do either. Better luck next time.
Now I'm sure you will try to squirm outof this by claiming "overpopulation" is just a contributing cause or an exacerbating factor. That route fails on two accounts.
First, you still have to show that it is a CAUSE, even if it is just one of them. You haven't established the causal link yet, and none of your data can do that either. In fact, it just shows that the other ROOT CAUSES are bigger factors. Not "overpopulation."
Second, if you think "overpopulation" is an exacerbating factor, then you have to remember that ANY PRODUCTION ACTIVITY ALSO CONSUMES, in which case the logic would force you to try to eliminate them as well. That is absurd.
Now you might say that productive activity produces good effects. Well so does population growth! Take note that population growth has historicaly been a driver of economic growth. This happened in most of the economic giants today (US, Europe). In fact, some of the most densely populated areas are also some of the most economically progressive (Singapore, Hong Kong).
The real answer to shortages, poverty, and pollution is to eliminate or minimize NON-PRODUCTIVE practices such as greed, corruption, economic mismanagement, and bad governance. NOne of these contribute to economic growth. You should be looking at these problems instead of wasting time on hysterical "overpopulation" doomsday scenarios.
Aww, what a pretty picture... too bad there's not enough thinking behind your implied interpretation.Originally Posted by migzz
Now look at the picture again. See how the GREAT MAJORITY OF LAND IS UNLIT? That clearly shows that we are not anywhere close to running out of space. It also shows that some of the most densely lit parts of the world are also undergoing DEPOPULATION and POPULATION AGEING BECAUSE OF A LACK OF BIRTHS (as in Europe and Japan).)
I just used your own data against you again! Try thinking a little more.
As for Atotoy, you talk about my alleged "fake and dishonest" sources? Hmmm... So the UN is a "fake and dishonest source"? And same with the US Census Bureau? You're dreaming.
By the way, weren't you banned because of your shenanigans? Maybe you should be banned again. Bwahahahah!!!
Some historical background to help understand the continuing deception...
Antonio B. de los Reyes
The Philippine government's artificial birth control program, funded largely by the World Bank, USAID, and the UNFPA, is a failure and a redundancy on five fronts:
1. Financial Drain. It is an enormous and scandalous financial drain on the Philippine government's budget, much of which is drawn from taxes paid by Catholics and Muslims (both of whose faiths are directly violated by the program). Funding for contraception is by nature recurrent; perceived gains made over a year can be sustained only by ploughing in more money next year. Over 20 years from 1970 to 1990, it has cost our people over three billion pesos (P3,000,000,000), but has not significantly achieved its self-assigned goals of reducing poverty or improving quality of life. This is because artificial contraception is incapable of accomplishing those goals. It is powerless in removing the yoke of poverty from our people. It is impotent in improving the lot of victims of economic inequity, which is the real cause of poverty.
2. Managerial Waste. The contraceptive program's management machinery is a nightmare. It fields 2,500 full-time workers, supports 50,000 subsidized "volunteers," and retains a coordinating staff of over 300 with vague managerial responsibilities. These do not include the numerous clinic personnel in the Department of Health's bureaucratic network, and hundreds of private agencies which opportunistically mushroomed from the outpouring of foreign funds. While POPCOM's field force is among the best-trained and qualified government workers, the disarray at central management level renders it impotent. If this whole network were channeled instead into the government's livelihood program, these well-trained government workers would most likely be more productive and more professionally trained.
3. Political Deception. The authoritarian regime from 1969 to 1986 forced the contraceptive program upon our people not only to court external funding, but also to set up a "whipping boy," a convenient excuse for the regime's failure to engineer real development. Even as early as 1982, local governments who were coerced into co-financing the government's contraceptive campaign (which included IUD-safaris and massive sterilization drives) had already withdrawn their support. The marketeers of artificial contraception employ coercive means, even if the program itself deceitfully waves the banner of "non-coercion." Witnesses attest to outright insertion of IUDs and prescription of sterilization methods without proper diagnosis or even consent. The "high scenario" strategy adopted by the government in 1983 and continued by the succeeding administrations, imposes performance quotas on field personnel to "recruit" acceptors of all kinds of contraceptive methods, including sterilization. In the name of health, our government has sterilized more Filipinos than Hitler sterilized Jews! And the present health machinery has gone as far as violating national laws, in its determination to promote unlicensed abortifacients: injectables such as Depo-Provera and implants such as Norplant.
4. Cultural Incongruence. Contraception goes against the grain of Filipinos, who traditionally and authentically respect life, and who see in children not only resources for production, nor only means of security for the future, but also a blessing from God and an expression of gratitude to Him. American propaganda and aid policy have portrayed this pro-life orientation as "anti-development", and the contraceptive establishment has gradually inculcated in Filipino minds the absurd proposition that fewer children mean more happiness. Yet the impotence of past national governments in mobilizing our people's labor resources, and its squandering of the nation's capital assets, were the real problems. Why should we change our positive values to make amends for incompetence and corruption? Children are God's gifts to us. Should we sacrifice them to make up for the failures of our political and economic leaders? The strong Philippine rejection of the Cairo Conference proposals conveyed the pulse of the nation against the contraceptive ethic.
5. Moral Erosion. The message of the contraceptive mentality undergirding any artificial birth control campaign, is that the exercise of sexual desire should be "liberated" from the discipline of marriage and from its responsibility for ensuing life - as if marriage and parenthood were burdens, and life, a curse! It rests on the perverse proposition that our sexual faculties are designed to give us free rein for physical pleasure. Some of those who stand for contraception even go as far as training adolescents and pre-school children on how to prevent pregnancy, rather than why and how to avoid pre-marital ***. It is incontrovertibly proven that a strong contraceptive program leads eventually to legalization of abortion, as it desensitizes contraceptive users to the value of conception, and therefore of life.
Antonio B. de los Reyes is an economist by training, and is currently managing associate of the Grid Philippines Management Corporation. He serves as CEO of Habitat for Humanity (Philippines), and Vice Chair of the International Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity International. From 1978-1982 he served in various capacities within population control organizations, among them Executive Director of the Commission on Population, the government agency that coordinate s and executes the population policy of the nation.
World Population Implosion?
Nicholas Eberstadt
Over the past several years, some of the world's best demographers have begun a dramatic
reassessment of the world's demographic future. They are now seriously proposing the
possibility that the world’s population will peak in our lifetimes, and then commence an indefinite
decline. At a time when all manner of potential "population problems" are regularly accorded
official attention by national and international authorities, the neglect that has to date greeted
the possibility of a long-term reduction of human numbers is curious, and striking.
The "depopulationist" scenario has been set out most recently in the United Nations Population
Division's 1996 revision of its biennial compendium, World Population Prospects. According to the
entirely plausible assumptions of its "low variant projection" about the future, global depopulation
would commence in a little over four decades. Between 2040 and 2050, the world's population
would fall by about 85 million. From then on, world population would shrink by roughly 25 percent
with each successive generation. To put the matter another way, world fertility patterns in this
vision of the future would be similar to those in the "more developed regions" today, where the
"net reproductions rate" (NRR) is already down to about 0.7 (meaning that the next generation,
under present patterns of childbearing and survival, would be about 30 percent smaller than the
current one)
How significant are these trends -- or is their significance anything we can meaningfully assess?
Consider for starters one example: their possible implications for global politics. For the same
projections that would result in an ultimate global population decline would also bring about a
significant redistribution of world population. In 1995, the ratio of population between "less
developed" and "more developed" regions stood at about four to one; in 2050, by these
projections, it would be seven to one. The balance of population would shift dramatically not
only between given countries but even between entire continents. In 1995, for example, the
estimated populations of Europe (including Russia) and Africa (including Egypt and the Maghreb
states) were almost exactly equal. In 2050, by these projections, Africans would outnumber
Europeans by over three to one.
Just how demographically negligible the current industrial democracies would be in this version
of the year 2050 may be illustrated with a single comparison: Not a single European state --
including Russia -- could match the Philippines in total population. Other things being equal, one
can argue, these trends presage a tremendous shift in the balance of global power.
These same demographic forces of longer lives and falling fertility would also inexorably pave the
way for a radical aging of the human population -- a shift of a magnitude with no historical
precedent. Around 1900, the median age of the world's population may have been about 20
years -- not far from what it had been in all earlier eras. By 1995, it reached about 25 years. By
the year 2050, in this "low variant" world, the median age would be over 42. In some countries,
of course, the population would be even more aged: Japan's median age would be 53; Germany's,
55; Italy's 58.
This tremendous and rather sudden aging process would have subsidiary implications. For the
world as a whole the number of children would sharply decline while there would be a population
boom among the elderly (or let us say, groups currently considered elderly). [SEE FIGURE 1] In the
"less developed regions," there would be three times as many older people as young children; in the
"more developed regions," the ratio would be eight to one. In Italy, which serves in these
projections as the extreme instance of demographic aging, barely 2 percent of the population in
2050 would be under the age of five, but more than 40 percent would be 65 or older.
The world imagined in the UN's "low variant" projections would also have major implications for
governments. Negative population growth would especially threaten the central feature of the
modern welfare state: the nationwide, tax-financed, pay-as-you-go pension program. In virtually all of
today's industrial democracies, such programs were established in periods of relatively high fertility and
relatively rapid population growth. With below-replacement fertility and increasing longevity, the
arithmetic changes unforgivingly. As the ratio of employees to retirees falls, such programs have only
three options for preventing bankruptcy: reduce pension benefits; raise taxes; restrict eligibility. There
are no alternatives.
Finally, it is interesting to ponder how the demographic revolution to come will affect the human family
as most of us have experienced it. The UN’s projections set the state for a world never before
inhabited: a world in which the only biological relatives for many people -- perhaps most people -- will be
their ancestors.
Consider the possibilities for Italy, currently the country with the world’s lowest fertility level. If Italy's
current regimen is extended for two generations, almost three-fifths of the nation's children will have no
siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles; they will have only parents, grandparents, and perhaps
great-grandparents. Under those same assumptions, less than 5 percent of Italy’s children would have
both siblings and cousins.
Projecting the fertility rates for the entire European Union forward two generations only slightly alters
the Italian scenario. Meanwhile, families in the "less developed regions" in the year 2050 would not
have moved so far in this direction. But they would in time: Within another generation or two, a
family consisting of siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts would be anomalous throughout the entire
world. For many people, "family" would be understood as a unit that does not include any biological
contemporaries or peers.
All this represents merely a sketch of a future whose social, political, economic, and otherwise human
outlines promise to break sharply with anything in recorded experience. Yet opaque as these changes
may appear today, we may yet manage to discern them very carefully. A good number of us we could
eventually experience them firsthand: in the UN's "low variant" projections, in fact, half of the world's
current inhabitants will still be alive at the time that global depopulation commences.
Nicholas Eberstadt is a researcher with the American Enterprise Institute and the Harvard Center for
Population and Development Studies. This piece is digested from "World Population Implosion?
Speculations About the Demographics of De-population," The Public Interest, Fall 1997.
(c) 1998 by Population Research Institute
Debunking the Myths of Over Population (Part 3)
What are the motives of population control?
The American bases have been dismantled but imperialism is very much around and it comes in the form of contraceptive imperialism which most Filipinos barely notice. This is explicit in the National Security Study Memorandum 200 -- a US intelligence declassified document which reveals US and UN motives in limiting the population of the Philippines and many other countries in Latin America, Southeast Asia, in the Pacific and Caribbean. The document dealt specifically on the relationship between increasing less developed country populations and future US access to resources and favorable trade policies ... and the possibility of accelerated ... anti-imperialist movements as a consequence of larger number of persons in Door nations. The control of foreign populations becomes a matter of US industrial and military security.
Overpopulation is a concoction of contraceptive pushers and abortion pushers who have banded together in a conglomerate called International Planned Parenthood (the FPOP, the secretariat of the DOH, is an affiliate). And who are these people? Owners of multinational corporations which manufacture infant formulas, contraceptives, condoms, IUD, sterilization and abortion gadgets like suction machines. They are the same people who control international money lending institutions like the World Bank, IMF, USAID, the Frankfurt-based Development Loan Corporation and the Japan-based Asian Development Bank.
What spirit prevails in the population control movement?
The basic philosophy of the population control movement is "less children from the unfit, more from the fit". This must sound familiar because Hitler applied this to thousands of Jews whom he considered an inferior human race. Margaret Sanger, the founder of International Planned Parenthood and who coined the term "birth control" lived to perpetuate this racist philosophy by designing a plan to eliminate the blacks, Eastern Europeans, Latin
Americans and now, Asians, -- "human weeds" -- from the human race. Living a life of promiscuity and perversion, she started the pornography business by sending pornographic literature to "customers" through the mail so that at one point in her life, she was convicted for spreading lewd materials. It must be a cause for alarm that the Margaret Sanger Center based in New York is the Executing Agency of the Philippine Family Planning Program. It sends funds and representatives to see to it that contraception and sterilization programs leading to menstrual regulation -- a nice name for abortion -- are fully implemented.
The modus operandi of contraceptive pushers is simple yet far-reaching: alter permanently the cultural climate because cultural changes bring about attitude and behavioral changes. Contraceptives manufacturers want everybody to develop a contraceptive mentality. They scare people of the "population bomb" - that time is near when Mother Earth can no longer accommodate more people than there are now. They impose upon couples not to bear children. They do this through a process called mental manipulation. And their accomplice is mass media. Messages encouraging population control are conveyed in advertisements, TV programs, movies and newspaper articles. Primarily, they preach that pregnancy is a disease which must be prevented by contraceptives. But, while they advocate population control, conversely, they want everybody to behave like animals who cannot resist responding to their libidinal instinct. This is the desired behaviour. To assure people that this is normal behaviour and that they need not worry about morals, contraceptive pushers present a plethora of available explanation for such behaviour, from philosophical to scientific. The most popular is Freud's theory that man is a sexual being whose behaviour is motivated by sexual gratification. Planned obsolescence and desensitization are the tools that they most frequently use. Through mass media, they make people believe that in this "modem" era, marriage is a thing of the past, chastity is passe, fidelity in marriage is now in the realm of oblivion, and Church teachings on these matters are also obsolete. Claiming extra and pre-marital *** are no longer taboo (they are already acceptable forms of behaviour) contraceptive pushers assure teenagers and philandering spouses that they may have extra and pre-marital affairs provided these sexual encounters do not result in pregnancies. To prevent pregnancy, contraceptive pushers advise couples to take their pick from a smorgasbord of contraceptives: condoms for men and women, pills, IUDs, tubal ligation, vasectomy and if these fail - ABORTION. It has been proven by the experiences of countries which promoted contraceptive use - whichever method - that this encourages abortion. In Thailand, for instance, as well as in Italy, the US, England, Sweden and other European countries where people have accepted contraception and abortion as "normal" and ordinary activities, abortion cases, teenage pregnancies and incidence of HIV infection leading to AIDS have risen remarkably. Despite the massive campaign for condom use, AIDS infection rate in our country is 9 times higher than last year's; in Thailand HIV infection continues to spread among young men. This is the conclusion of a study that analyzed the cases of over 2,000 men whose age ranged from 9 to 23. The men used condoms at an average of 61% of the time. In a Florida study of married couples, one partner in each couple being HIV-positive, 30% passed on the infection to their spouses, despite conscientious use of condoms. A Newsweek poll concluded that a teen who has "safe ***" (using condom) with an HIV-infected partner runs at least 30% risk of becoming infected. Similarly, abortion cases occur 4,000 times per day in the US and in the Philippines, there are more or less 100,000 abortions per year.
Contraceptive pushers find the family as a deterrent to the realization of their goal. Hence, they launch a massive attack against the family. First, they dislodge the father as a necessary member of the family by making him an irresponsible drinker, a womanizer who has no capacity to control his sexual appetite, a virulent wife beater who lays his hands on his wife and children at the slightest provocation. Their cohorts in mass media encourage him to behave like that. The movies, the beer and wine advertisements, sports programs and television programs present male models who typify the violent man and father.
Next, they corrupt the wife or mother by making her abhor pregnancy and childbirth (as if pregnancy were a dreaded disease). The government, through the DOH propagates the contraceptive mentality among them. They force mothers to take pills, to insert IUD in her uterus, to cut off the font of life, then they make her close her eyes while they abort her baby. They scare her to her wit's end: "Life is hard. The economy is going downhill. Prices of commodities are going up. It is expensive to bear and bring up children. Your husband is a drunkard and a womanizer. Nobody is going to help you."
Thirdly, they change the values of children through formal education and mass media. Kinder and elementary school pupils are taught the "merits" of small families through lessons in ecology. When they reach high school, they are taught birth control methods. What is alarming is that children are misinformed. They are not told the adverse effects of contraceptives. DECS Bulletin (No.2, series of 1987) dated April 28, 1987, entitled "Information on AIDS" and sent to all school officials in both private and public schools states: "The risk of sexual transmission of HIV is likely to be reduced by the use of condoms. Young people, early in their sexually active lives and thus likely to have been infected with HIV, have the most gain from condom use. . . . The effectiveness of condoms in preventing infection is not proved, but their consistent use may reduce the risk of transmission." Does it not condone promiscuity? Obviously, there is no 100% guarantee. Then, why prescribe its use? The DECS has reduced itself to marketing agent of condoms manufacturers and they have their share of the $310 million dollar fund for population control program which has condoms promotion as one of its components. With weakened moral fiber and with the abundance of contraceptive pills and condoms, teenagers experiment on having sexual relationships. One school directress in a private school is shocked to learn that Grade Six pupils in her school carry on intimate boy-girl relationships.
Finally, population control advocates have prostituted the meaning of marriage: they have repudiated the most sacred aspect of it - procreation. They encourage couples to relish only that which is pleasurable but to avoid the responsibility that entails this pleasure. They have reduced *** to the level of hunger and thirst. Never mind having babies. There are plenty of contraceptives and abortion clinics around. Have fun with ***. These are the messages couples are forced to absorb. What has happened? Marriage is rendered obsolete (and so are Church teachings). Hundreds or thousands of couples live without the benefit of the clergy. They engender another social malaise: unwanted children, battered women and children whose emotional and spiritual wounds take time to heal, sometimes almost a lifetime.
Moral decadence
Preponderant choice of alternative lifestyles such as temporary live-in relationships, pre marital and extra marital affairs, teenage pregnancies, abandoned children, proliferation of pornography, rampant violence and crimes, rape, high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and now AIDS. All these are elements and benchmarks of a contraceptive-prone society.
Economic difficulties
The massive family planning program eats up considerable portion of the budget which can be realigned to finance delivery of basic services to the less fortunate members of society. But instead of food, the government insist on giving pills, condoms, IUD, etc.
Countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, and many countries in Europe suffer acute manpower shortage and have to rely on migrant workers, a situation which drains their economy.
Disempowerment of women
Women who are contracepting seldom manage to say NO to *** with their spouses even if they are not inclined to it at the moment. They become slaves of their pleasure and convenience-seeking instinct. Hence, abortion cases are estimated to have reached 750,000 cases per year. They fail to realize that abortion is the extension of failed contraception.
Disempowerment of couples
Couples are left with no choice but to limit the number of their children to the number set by the agencies of the United Nations such as UNFPA, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, UNCED and the USAID.
For more information, go to the following websites
Simbahayan Commission (Family Life Ministries)
Kanlungan ng
Human Life International
or e-mail
bitaw sa..
definitely against it!
People who are agreeing with it should experience first-hand what it's like to be aborted. Hahaha...
Definitely, definitely anti-human.
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