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id rather choose to be happy but wrong...whats the big deal with that?its only the eyes of those people that are around u who consider what u are doing as wrong ..to hell with what they think and say...it should be how u feel...if ur happy then go for it.life is too short to be wasted....
its about happiness and thats all that matters... and one thing...there is never a wrong decision...its up to u on how u make it right. dont base it from what people think...its ur life not theirs... if ur gonna depend it on what they think...whats gonna happen is ur gonna loose ur entire chance of being happy for the rest of ur life and theres no one that can be blamed but u coz u believe more what people think or say...remember...u can never undo the past...so do it right now or theres no more later...
live ur life the way u want it not what other people want it to be...
its better to be hated for something who u really are than being loved for something that ur not.
i agree..ur doing things to make u happy and u did right..if all of us do the same thing, for our hapiness , regardless if its wrong or right , and now we'r doing for the common good for all