ayaw na problemaha bro oie. wala kay sala ana..
sa babaye na ang sad-an kay ngano misugot siya na kuhaan video..
Ali Bro Take Revenge Lng Ta Sa girl ^_^.... Mga Laki Na Ingon Ana Angay Dauban!... Tuhugon Ug sundang! Way respitar!
ang question bro nano ni buwag man sad ka niya imoha sad ang sala pero sad noon ky love man kaha gihapon nimo siya aw makit-an nimo ang laki ikaw ny bahala mangayo kag sory niya onya labani siya ky di mana maayo ang gibuhat sa laki mas maayo man gani na onya nana buhaton ang s** if minyo na gyud
kadaghanan sa lalaki motan-aw man dyud ug scandal noh? pero lami dyud balosan tong mga taw nga maka guba ug kaugmaon... kung gikalat nang videoha bro, nya naa face sa lalaki... pwede nimo e-post deri ang nawong sa lalaki? para mi makabantay.
bitaw-bitaw e post iya pic para mka ila sad mi ana nga laki...salbahis na lakiha...ingna ko kung mo revenge ka ana na lakiha kay mo apil ko........tan-aw...
nobody in this world has the right to degrade or humiliate any person.. especially a woman/girl..
your ex-gf is.. I can sense, is maybe madly in love with the guy (who took the video) or every guy that she came into with..., even you before.. well, its perfectly fine to be in love.. even making love..(sila pa ba sa guy?), BUT i think your gf have be taught some lesson sad.. TOO MUCH TRUST.. trusting your love one again is fine.. but giving yourself all in all (to someone) until such point that you lose your identity or yourself, is not ideal napud..
The guy is a jerk and jackASS!, your ex-gf is too trusting sad, let it be a lesson to every girls sad.. don't trust too much on to someone (especially your bf).. even if fiancee na nimo cya.. in this world.. there just too many suckers and f.ckers that would jump in any given situation aron mamintaha or to take advantage sa situation. Ug aning kalibutana.. nothing is absolute. Your bf/gf is just as what the terms implies.. if kamo then GOOD nga kamo jud magkadayon.. if dili.. then don't let any stupid mistakes get you by.. or it might be used against you later on...
IMHO lang
looya pud sa girl......grabeha pud anang lakiha,, hinaot unta mapandol na run ug matusok sa lansang!!!
support me nimo bai
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