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  1. #291


    I thought so.

  2. #292
    I did a search of the CBCP website. These are items about Fr. Suarez that I have found. Most deal with his breaking of Church protocol in his healing masses. FYI only.

    Spiritual adviser of Fr. Fernando Suarez dies | CBCP News
    Spiritual adviser of Fr. Fernando Suarez dies | CBCP News

    Dagupan bishop bans Suarez’s healing Masses | CBCP News
    Dagupan bishop bans Suarez?s healing Masses | CBCP News

    Healing priest Suarez expected in RP this month | CBCP News
    Healing priest Suarez expected in RP this month | CBCP News

    Malolos Bishop yet to complain against Fr. Suarez | CBCP News
    Malolos Bishop yet to complain against Fr. Suarez | CBCP News

    Healing priest’s prayer sessions called off in Bulacan | CBCP News
    Healing priest?s prayer sessions called off in Bulacan | CBCP News

  3. #293
    Junior Member
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    May 2008
    This is just a forum for crying out loud! Why is it that anything involving the Church should not be given any negative feedback? Businesses would like to ask the opinions of their customers, whether positive or negative. So why would this statue be any different? If I give feedback to a restaurant that my dinner is not good value for the money, I do not expect the manager to come barging out telling me I need to get all the costs of those ingredients and figure out how much their rent is, blah, blah, blah...

    The responsibility of trying to dig up "facts" or to publish a whole business plan or to conduct a whole feasibility study for this project does NOT rest on the unpaid forumers of Why do we have to try to blindly compute potential revenues of this project when they did not tell it to the press?

    Yes, it is our opinion that an overpriced statue is a stupid idea, especially if this statue is supposed to help the poor. Do we still have to exhaust all our research skills and our imagination to check how a statue might help the poor? If a foreign investor tells me that he plans to have a restaurant in Cebu that will cost 100 million pesos and a dinner there will cost 4,000 pesos per person, I do not need to input all the other assumptions into a spreadsheet or research all over the Internet that a restaurant like that exists and is making money in Tokyo or New York. I will tell him right away that it is NOT feasible in Cebu. You go ahead and get your spreadsheets and beg for more information on this statue, and we still have our opinion that it is a stupid idea.

    Suffice to say that this is our opinion, and we tell our family and friends, if there's a 2nd collection for a giant statue, we do not think it's a good idea and don't donate to this project. There is nothing illegal or bad about that.

  4. #294
    Quote Originally Posted by wng View Post
    This is just a forum for crying out loud! Why is it that anything involving the Church should not be given any negative feedback? Businesses would like to ask the opinions of their customers, whether positive or negative. So why would this statue be any different? If I give feedback to a restaurant that my dinner is not good value for the money, I do not expect the manager to come barging out telling me I need to get all the costs of those ingredients and figure out how much their rent is, blah, blah, blah...

    The responsibility of trying to dig up "facts" or to publish a whole business plan or to conduct a whole feasibility study for this project does NOT rest on the unpaid forumers of Why do we have to try to blindly compute potential revenues of this project when they did not tell it to the press?

    Yes, it is our opinion that an overpriced statue is a stupid idea, especially if this statue is supposed to help the poor. Do we still have to exhaust all our research skills and our imagination to check how a statue might help the poor? If a foreign investor tells me that he plans to have a restaurant in Cebu that will cost 100 million pesos and a dinner there will cost 4,000 pesos per person, I do not need to input all the other assumptions into a spreadsheet or research all over the Internet that a restaurant like that exists and is making money in Tokyo or New York. I will tell him right away that it is NOT feasible in Cebu. You go ahead and get your spreadsheets and beg for more information on this statue, and we still have our opinion that it is a stupid idea.

    Suffice to say that this is our opinion, and we tell our family and friends, if there's a 2nd collection for a giant statue, we do not think it's a good idea and don't donate to this project. There is nothing illegal or bad about that.
    Well said wng - Only two words i can say - "COMMON SENSE"

  5. #295
    Senior Member istoryaaah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The picture referred to in my last post was from WIKIMEDIA.

    NO information was quoted from Wikipedia in the last post. None at all.

    The inflation conversion figures I used were from DollarTimes.

    You really could try reading a post and comprehending what is in it before commenting on it.
    well, Wikipedia or not your figures are as clueless as my common-sense. We both don't have the exact figures and statistics so we might as well carry on with our extinct. Am I right?

    Like I said, this is a discussion thread. None of us here are right and wrong, regardless of how the reader interprets another point of view. So don't talk FACTS and HEARSAY like you have something in hand.

    Yeah I've read most of your posts and I commend you for giving time on gathering them. But I'm not up for your articles and blog posts. They are not FACTS and copy pasting them here doesn't make them any more than common-sense coming from a different source. In order for us to discuss something requires us to assume something. We make scenarios coming from common-sense based on real life encounters. These are not HEARSAY... I CALL IT EXPERIENCES

  6. #296
    Senior Member istoryaaah's Avatar
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    I made an update for all those who want to view the 3D animation of the Proposed 1 Billion peso "Mary of the Poor" project by Fr. Suarez the healing priest.

    The Poor “Billion Peso” Lady

    Thanks to Cherry

  7. #297
    Quote Originally Posted by istoryaaah View Post
    I made an update for all those who want to view the 3D animation of the Proposed 1 Billion peso "Mary of the Poor" project by Fr. Suarez the healing priest.

    The Poor “Billion Peso” Lady

    Thanks to Cherry
    LMAO! The comments below reflects that the people are really against this project.. Manny don't tell me that it is baseless and hearsay again.. LOLZ...

    I dont even heard your inputs regarding this project rather than "HEARSAYS"... HILARIOUS!!!
    Last edited by flanker; 02-19-2009 at 04:13 PM.

  8. #298
    bwahahahaha, i would rather not comment.. bwahahaha.. mura gitabangan na... bisag unsaon, claro gyud kaayo mga punto sa mga tao.. si manny ragyud mu-complicate sa ilang mga punto.

  9. #299
    donations + No Corruption = 1Billion Shrine. (saludo ko niya mga brad) compared sa atong gobyerno.

  10. #300
    daghan na kaayo ka lalis si manny lagi bisan sa pikas thread. i feel for you bro! "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing" hehehehe... peace...

  11.    Advertisement

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