FYI: there are bills pending for the congress about libel, some are seeking to abolish it completely and some are seeking only to amend it. At present,libel is punishable with imprisonment or a fine, but in most cases both go together.
Now, bills seeking to amend libel only wants to get rid of imprisonment but wants increases the fine to 100k-300k php(currently only 200-6k php)
For my side libel is used and abused by the government. Its a tool used by the people in power to silence the media, since the media are the bearers of truth or.. shall I say, the watchdogs of corruption.
No, I'm not working in the media industry... actually, I'm just a very curious student of a certain university.. ahahah
Article 19 of the civil code of the Philippines states that media personnel should act with justice to observe honesty and good faith when exercising his/her rights and while performing his/her duties
Article 26 of the civil code of the Philippines
SHOULD remind media personnel of their duty to respect the dignity, personality, privacy, and peace of mind of others, otherwise, they may be held liable for damages for violations.
I knew someone would eventually reply with this kind of answer.
Decriminalizing libel does not mean that a person who has been libeled by the media can no longer seek redress for the wrong done to him/her. The victim has the remedy of filing an action for damages based on the Civil Code of the Philippines, such as Article 19 and Article 26.
So I shall quote myself