There's a song in there somewhere...Originally Posted by websniper
There's a song in there somewhere...Originally Posted by websniper
Originally Posted by brian_d
That's our biggest problem, they won't let us.
You can drop thier service. You don't have to pay them. They won't go after you anyway. It's more expensive for them to do that than get back what you owe them. It's that simple!
check! very simple... if u have the receipts nga nakabayad naka... way problema na... kung wala ka pirma sa termination papers... pakyas!
Do you actually think Sun will refund you for their bad service?
dili gyud ko kasabot ngano dili mo ka end sa inyong contract...
if 2 years na inyong contract after getting a free phone dapat gi pa putol dayon ninyo....
or ni kuha mo ug new phone na pud nya another 2 year contract.....
Again Imagine buying a ticket for a boat
naay 3rd class
naay tourist class
naay cabin
naay suite
pili lang mo asa inyo
sa Sun kinhanlan lagi ka mo tawag 10-20 times before ma connect pero walay bayad for 15 minutes of talk....
sa Globe/Smart connect dayon usa ra ka pislit pero 5.00/min so kung 15 minutes ka mag talk = 75.00
so make your choice...........
This PETITION will just limit the choice.......... ANTI-CHOICE ni.........
It may also give Sun a good kick in the behind so they will improve their service instead of just giving us excuses. Then you will have more choices too.
Originally Posted by UCAV
read previous posts.
Everybody deserves good service for every penny paid. However, petition to stop a network from operating virtually gives the network zero chance of ever improving. Manyador you have a choice, you can use GLOBE or SMART naman if you really hate SUN. Kaya nga buyers beware, SUN is a new player so it's expected that there will be glitches in thier system. Buti na lang, cheap ang ilang rates.
NTC, has already provided a ruling against complainants of SUN. It said, the customer has a choice, if they don't like SUN's service they can drop SUN. Sakto to'ng nag post sa taas and was also mentioned in NTC's ruling nga it's okay it takes you 20 attempts before you can get through. Wla btaw bayad ang pag attempt and besides, unlimited man sad ang service for a flat rate.
Regarding those two year contract, those are stardard provisions--ke GLOBE, SMART or SUN. So don't go blame SUN. You had your phone of choice, now it's time for you to pay back the company. Kung wla mo naka gusto sa service nila, then again you have the CHOICE to drop thier service. Yun nga lang, blacklisted mo ilang database. That's the consequence of signing up for a postpaid plan. You should have thought about this before committing yourselves.
OT:Originally Posted by brian_d
Info for all. NTC standard nadaw ang 3 rings = 1 minute. So if miscol mo, 1 ring nalang...
Yep, switch nalang para dili ka mag antos diha... leave your outstanding balances with sun, they won't get you for that....
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