Bet you haven't heard of ACUATICO BEACH RESORT, in Laiya, San Juan, Batangas...
And i bet some of you might think, ka-hambugera ani niya oi! DUH?! syempre wala since its all the way to Batangas pa! But really guys, I just want to share to you this GREAT PLACE! As in. The staff are really nice, the cottages (if you can call it as such) and the pool are architecturally (if such a word exist) unique. And the best part is THEY HAVE GREAT FOOD! Really good, hands down.
Me and my dad went there to attend my cousin's beach wedding and while they were exchanging vows DOLPHINS showed up!!! Ain't it cool? If it wasn't for my cousin, I might just have grabbed a banka and paddle my way to where the dolphins were, dress, make up and all... hahaha
After that experience, I thought, there are a lot of great places here in the Philippines just waiting for someone to share about it. So I want to hear your stories about places YOU bet a lot of us didn't know about...
Here are two pics taken from my Sony Alpha DSLR-A900...KIDDING!!! bITAW, I took these pics of Acuatico using my camera phone Nokia 6020. hehehe