if it happen that you are born to a parents that are farmers and couldnt afford theirs children in good school, i dont think you'll be an atheist still?well you are still young to understand about salvation my dear..
you can hate the priest, but never His Church!
dako ra kaau na nga project oi! dli ghaponpon sakto...bsag gkan pa sa foundation ang money!
Read the Bible. Christ allowed his disciples to keep money and to use it. But I bet you haven't even really read the Bible either.
Take note that some things like shrines may not seem to directly help the poor. But if they can be rented or used to raise funds for humanitarian projects, then they ARE useful, and DO help the poor indirectly. But that is IF these are managed properly.
Have you asked them? No. You haven't..and bro...why is it that those who commit mistakes just go repent their sins and do it again?
Whatever their reasons, however, that does not change the truth. Something that is morally right remains morally right even if sometimes people fail to adhere to it. Perfection in practice is irrelevant as to whether something is right.
So why are there so many people believing? Why are so many still trying to live Christian lives? You just contradicted yourself.it only shows that those priests of urs are not well convincing enough to believe in
I know lots of successful atheists too. They are successful at cheating, bribing, stealing, screwing others, treating women like *** objects, killing unborn babies, and all that. Atheism is the ultimate CRAP! Spare us your self-righteous arrogance. Atheism doesn't make anyone better. it just makes you blind to the truth and justifies all sorts of immorality.so far bro...those atheist that ive encountered...nearly all of them are successful
I have noticed that lots of people like to post opinions, but usually have ZERO EVIDENCE to back them up. Have the critics of the Church or Fr. Suarez actually posted any facts about this issue? I haven't seen a a single link, not a single article, not a single document, not even a single good argument! All these claims are therefore based on HEARSAY.
I think some research and clear thinking is needed before we condemn someone or something.
Last edited by mannyamador; 02-10-2009 at 06:34 PM.
look whose talking?hahaha..ur so funny bro....cheating?bribing?stealing?screwing others?threating women like sh*t?killing unborn babies?
isnt that a typical catholic believers?
those murderers...robbers..arent they catholics like u?and their throughout the world huh....abortion?i think theyre catholics too...they believed too much in what the priest say that they aborted theyre babies coz theyre unwanted pregnancies or...they are kids out of wedlock.they have no choice but to do abortion coz theyre fuc*kng parents are gonna disown them from believing too much of the bible...
isnt catholicism triggered them to commit abortion?
and talking about cheating,bribing,stealingarent those politicians there in r.p's catholics?ive seen too many of them in the telly going to church repenting their sins...funny...
screwing othersyeah..ur priest just simply molested young boys...
thats what u call as catholicism...
what so good about it?
we atheist have morals bro and we lived by it...and btw...theres not much of atheist in this world coz they are blinded by ur religion...so look where they are now
either in prison,cemetary and the very nice place is in CHURCH...preaching.Amen
Last edited by lady_blackrose; 02-10-2009 at 06:53 PM.
isnt it immoral to u bro molesting young boys?isnt it immoral to u corrupting money and ripping people off?isnt it immoral to u abortion?but really...what triggered them to do such things?
isnt it coz of being too righteousness of ur church that after they commit mistakes they try to rectify it thinking it would be good but they end up doing the same mistake again
its not me who talks crap...its u who believes in crap...
bro..my dad was a farmer and we have a farm...but what does it have something to do with being a catholic?i lived by my parent's morals and knowing whats right from wrongu cant get that out from going to a prestigious school.lol.its how u are being brought up and what ur parents taught u...
Yes. But how many priests actually do that? The statistics show that only around 2% of priests have been ACCUSED (not even convicted or proven). That is lower than the general populace.
Nope. Please show some evidence. Don't take all day. But you can't, right?but really...what triggered them to do such things? isnt it coz of being too righteousness of ur church that after they commit mistakes they try to rectify it thinking it would be good but they end up doing the same mistake again![]()
You're just babbling without any proof.
Your atheism has NOT made you a better person. You're just as immoral as anyone else. Worse, your stupid atheism leads you to make BASELESS ASSERTIONS. You provide no proof, just lots of BS. Like I said, atheism is the ultimate CRAP.
look whose talking?u are so defensive bro...
if u have met heaps of atheist doing this stuffs and such...what are theyre names?simple as that...at least mine is all over the news...urs arent...
if im not mistaken....god is everywhere...u dont need a fancy church to pray...as long as u believe in him and his words are with u then there's no need to fancy those billion statue and sparkling churches.
evidencesi erap bro di bah corrupt man to?magsimabahan gale bisan sud-gawas prisuhan...plastik au...
si lucio tan pud...
ikaw?naa ka ma name na atheist na gibuhat imong gipang ingon?
Last edited by lady_blackrose; 02-10-2009 at 07:15 PM.
OT @Mannyamador...sir i have observed in your post that you are very religious person and a very firm believer in our religion (RC). w/ due respect sir, can you pls tell me who wrote the BIBLE because you always qoute from the BIBLE, and also what is the religion of MOSES cause in the movie The Ten Commandments in which i think was based on the BIBLE, Moses was very angry w/ those people wno worship the golden icon. And now here is Fr. Suarez is trying to build a very expensive icon..Just asking!!!!!
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