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  1. #41
    Banned User
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    Dec 2007
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    Thanks for the info.

  2. #42
    thanks for posting your concern bro, by the i'm one of the owner sa YASSCI and brother nako na si JUN i'm currently working in a bank, also i'm the customer service and HR manager sa YASSCI, so particular kaayo nako ang quality sa among work and customer service. our apologies kung naka cause to nimo ug inconvenience but rest assured nga isolated case rato imo bro. after reading your post i immediately conduct an investigation and i think there's only a bit misundersting....
    after gi diagnose imo auto bro, ila nakit-an nga ang cause sa imong battery nga ni weak kay nag trouble ang car alarm and actuitor that's why ila unta to i repair so didto nga part mo wala nagkasinabot. we hope lang nga dili na mobalik ang sakit sa imong sakyanan bro kung wala man gani to ma repair ang actuitor. again sorry sa inconvenience bro. thanks sa istoryans nga na enjoy sa among service. for complaints and suggestions pls email me at .....

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by jb_4th View Post
    thanks for posting your concern bro, by the i'm one of the owner sa YASSCI and brother nako na si JUN i'm currently working in a bank, also i'm the customer service and HR manager sa YASSCI, so particular kaayo nako ang quality sa among work and customer service. our apologies kung naka cause to nimo ug inconvenience but rest assured nga isolated case rato imo bro. after reading your post i immediately conduct an investigation and i think there's only a bit misundersting....
    after gi diagnose imo auto bro, ila nakit-an nga ang cause sa imong battery nga ni weak kay nag trouble ang car alarm and actuitor that's why ila unta to i repair so didto nga part mo wala nagkasinabot. we hope lang nga dili na mobalik ang sakit sa imong sakyanan bro kung wala man gani to ma repair ang actuitor. again sorry sa inconvenience bro. thanks sa istoryans nga na enjoy sa among service. for complaints and suggestions pls email me at .....
    It's nice to hear nga naa dy tga yelgit dri.. At least you can explain your side and hopefully dili ka pareha sa uban tag iya ug auto shop nga kung imo i confront lainon dayon ang istorya.. Mura dayon ma suko nya sultian dayon kag refundan lng daw ka.. Isa ko sa inyong customer dha sa yelgit Bro and so far ok rman inyo service except nga ka isa ngpa complete washing ko dha sa inyoha gi hurot jd ug kuha akong trapo nga puti hehe

  4. #44

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by jb_4th View Post
    thanks for posting your concern bro, by the i'm one of the owner sa YASSCI and brother nako na si JUN i'm currently working in a bank, also i'm the customer service and HR manager sa YASSCI, so particular kaayo nako ang quality sa among work and customer service. our apologies kung naka cause to nimo ug inconvenience but rest assured nga isolated case rato imo bro. after reading your post i immediately conduct an investigation and i think there's only a bit misundersting....
    after gi diagnose imo auto bro, ila nakit-an nga ang cause sa imong battery nga ni weak kay nag trouble ang car alarm and actuitor that's why ila unta to i repair so didto nga part mo wala nagkasinabot. we hope lang nga dili na mobalik ang sakit sa imong sakyanan bro kung wala man gani to ma repair ang actuitor. again sorry sa inconvenience bro. thanks sa istoryans nga na enjoy sa among service. for complaints and suggestions pls email me at .....
    peace na ha.. hehehe

  6. #46
    by the way bro, naa mo nahisgot nga ALLAN nga name pwede inyo ma describe kay wala man gud mi partner sa business or brother nga ALLAN ang name..... JUN, RICHARD and REY ang naa sa operations namo bro while NIKKI ang sa finance/accounting. thanks. email lang palihug bro.

  7. #47
    no problem bro, part gyud na sa business. mas ganahan ug ma challenge mi nga ayohon ang service bro kung naay mo reklamo.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by jb_4th View Post
    no problem bro, part gyud na sa business. mas ganahan ug ma challenge mi nga ayohon ang service bro kung naay mo reklamo.
    I'm thankful Bro that you found this thread and nice to hear that you're open to any challenges BUT the damage has been done already. I'm hoping that the challenge that you mentioned can only be applied through theories. Kay lisud if Actual na then you found out that ge-experimentohan (trial and error) ra diay imong sakyanan maong challenge.

    Perhaps you may need to review the capability/skills/tools of your people.Tnx

    Anyway my car is up and running after changing a new battery. (not from your shop)

  9. #49
    thanx for d info bro. ka kuyaw pd ana

  10. #50
    bitaw noh? uban praktisan ra man ato awto,di jud cla moingon na di na kaya sa amo mekaniko,resulta mobayad na ta nya nidako pa ang trouble...better jud naa sila chief mechanic or chief electrician dili ng trainee lang gadaghan...

  11.    Advertisement

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