Nindut ang php..... ang programming syntax just like c,c++,or java......
waaaaaaaaaaaa... i thought... theres no way i can used vb to connect on mysql server based on linux... but damn..Â* naka connect na jud for the first time..
i never have experience connecting sa MSSQL online coz linux amo server .....
damn vb 6.0Â* + php is power... its great since sayon ra pag buhat vb + i can do some php for web and managed it with my vb.. saonz.... i prefer application than browser..
Â* Â*now i dont need ASP ,.NeT.... vb works fine daghan nga lang patch.. para connect to mysql server sa linux hahahahahaa .... its more than 4 months already
wishing to have my problem solved poweredÂ* googleÂ* + blogs siteÂ* eheheheh
Â* .. hehehehe
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