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  1. #11

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by potterboy
    oh i forgot, mommi jan's dream of having an foundation will come true.
    .... foundation, it's perfect, with our cohesion we can achieve that goal.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be? foundation... this will be so Great!!! i think this will come true in less than 10 years...

  3. #13
    Site Keeper clarkhkent's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    inyu naman gipang sulti tanan so para nako 10 years from now... ang database sa dako pa ni sa akong pahak....

  4. #14
    C.I.A. bot_yok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    more more more members den kusog kaayo....

  5. #15

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    More Topics.... more threads...

    I wish to have more threads on programming...

  6. #16

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    internationally known na! :mrgreen:

  7. #17

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    10 yrs from now, will have its own basa an office or a high tech HQ, para sa mga dokdokero ug dokdokera

  8. #18

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    me, for serious magpahimo og ID para member sa least kung tinsa to naay mga stores diri na mga tao sa kamo man dani tag.iya at least u can give a discount by giving the I.D to them ...then dapat kaila na tanan.....mag himo og organization..kanang dili frat ha na bunal2x organization or foundation bata.. ingana...

  9. #19

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be?

    serious na ang drama kung naay mag pa member muadto na sa ofis kay dili na free membership online..
    yep naa nay id dn kaila nata tanan member ani.. naa nay annual grand grand grand reunion.. yepey !!
    mkakita nako sa mga tao na member dri..
    dn naa nay actual selling sa mga products sa members mura ba open haus 4 all.. dn
    e advertise na sa media ang mga events & activities..
    musikat na sa whole wide world !!

  10. #20

    Default Re: Ten years from now, how and what would you want iSTORYA.NET to be? nani..

  11.    Advertisement

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