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  1. #131

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    I know what you mean,
    these are the front acts of the anti-christ.

    True religion begins with seeking christ and the his truth first for yourself
    rather than try looking for the best religion this world has to offer.
    Is there anything substantial you can contribute to this discussion?

    Have you forgotten that there may be people who never knew of Chrsit, have never heard of Christ and therefore can seek Him? Do you wish to condemn these people?

  2. #132

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Yet, what is grace and what is this state of grace I am talking about?Â* You are not Catholic and you will never understand this grace that have been spoken of since the time of the apostles.
    You mean, since the time of Constantine... ;-b

    By the way of course NO ONE will go to Heaven until judgment day and of course it is unBiblicalÂ* (Luke 23: 43 is relativity. The thief won't know the difference that between the time he was asleep because how could you know anything if you're dead yet? Eccl. 9: 5 - 6 )Â* Also, 1 Thes 4: 14 - 17... this is also what proves the doctrine of purgatory to be false. Because in Genesis, "living soul" isn't ghost or multo when God gave the breath of life, it is the WHOLE PERSON. But again, you'll probably call what I'm writing as another private interpretation or heresy.Â* But those who have been sealed, as posted by the other guy won't lose that assurance. The verses that the supposedly support purgatory usually only speak about the building of God's spiritual temple (us, believers) and the testing of it with fire or what is lacking in Christ's sufferings - meaning our obligation to put ourselves on the line for the sake of the Gospel. part of the package of "The Great Commision".

    I"m sorry but there must have been a lot of rambling with what I wrote in there ^^ but I hope I've expressed my thoughts completely this far...

    As for the Traditions, you know in the locked predecessor to this thread that I beleive in that there are things in the Bible that allude to Rome, Rome as an institution that will rule the whole of the earth, and the Scriptures usually are always negative when they speak about Rome. So if what you quoted came from the same Book, the Book of Life, it's gotta be NOT those Traditions right?

    Also, in context of what I believe being that the RCC is the apostate church and the final rebellion, there was certainly a point when those traditions were GONE completely. Probably only those people who acted on conscience and who had God's law in their heart were saved during those times. (Rom 2: 10 - 12 )

    Read the doctors and fathers of the Church about their belief in the Holy Eucharist.Â* It may have taken a couple of centuries before the doctrine of real presence was finally defined definitely, but it was already there early on and is part of the deposit of faith.
    Yeah, what was that the 4th Lateran Council right? If I'm NOT mistaken... but anyway I'm sure their excuse was because of the many heresies going on... also I guess it was the 12th century when it was defined by Innocent III and Honorius. Either defined the Adoration and the Transubstantition.. I'm NOT sure again but this must have also been around the same times that "Trinity" was defined... but I see futility there since the one of the key Biblical roles of the Holy Spirit has been given already to "Mary" with this Ad Iesum Per Marian dogma.

  3. #133

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal Bunal
    Yet, what is grace and what is this state of grace I am talking about? You are not Catholic and you will never understand this grace that have been spoken of since the time of the apostles.
    You mean, since the time of Constantine... ;-b
    Wrong. Since the time of the Apostles. Constantine never established the Church. Jesus, however, established the Catholic Church.

    By the way of course NO ONE will go to Heaven until judgment day
    NOT what the Bible says.

    I"m sorry but there must have been a lot of rambling with what I wrote in there ^^ but I hope I've expressed my thoughts completely this far...
    You're right. You are RAMBLING.

    As for the Traditions, you know in the locked predecessor to this thread that I beleive in that there are things in the Bible that allude to Rome, Rome as an institution that will rule the whole of the earth
    Rome the empire. Only crackpots think it refers to the Church. They provide no proof either except wild personal interpretations. Loonie bin is waiting...

    Also, in context of what I believe being that the RCC is the apostate church and the final rebellion, there was certainly a point when those traditions were GONE completely.
    Apostilic Tradition gone at one time? Never happened. Please cite proof. You CAN'T, right? I thought so.

    You're really rambling...

  4. #134

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    The allusion to Rome is symbolic. Rome as the heartland of paganism and the chief persecutor of the Church was finally converted to the Catholic faith. For eample in the present times. USA is the Rome of old. It persecutes Christians, yet it eventually embraced Christianity. Can you imagine that? The great persecutor became a huge convert itself?

  5. #135

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by brownbrawn
    Can you imagine that? The great persecutor became a huge convert itself?
    Just like St. Paul!

  6. #136

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Just like me too.

  7. #137

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    According to the Bible it won't... instead it will apparently convert itself, but in reality it will crush and devour the whole world, hence it became a Catholic Insititution in the form of the church. 1 Number 2, NO ONE can topple it down but God himself 2

    1. Dan 7: 23 (after Athens under Alexander, Rome won't necessarily crumble)
    2. Rev. 18: 18

    Babylon isn't pagan Rome, it is the RCC!!!

    Some Extra Biblical Traditions?

    1. Marian DevotionÂ* 2. Sacramentals. 3. Transubstantiation. (Despite 1 Cor. 11: 29, there are other verses in the Bible that contradict this doctrine, I've already stated it in the previous thread)Â* 4. And in Baptism, it is supposed that the same gifts of the Spirit that were bestowed just by this sacrament at the time of the apostles willl also be given unto the infant or the one who is baptized for that matter. In fact it is in Acts when the apostles THEMSELVES had to lay down the hands to get someone to receive the spirit "on the spot"... it is different today, now that there are no more apostles. Baptism is an expression of faith. Likewise, it is by faith that the promise Spirit is being poured upon us. (Gal 3: 14 )

  8. #138

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    The enemies of the RCC are just jealous. No they are not jealous we possess the true teachings. They are jealous because they thought RCC has lots of money and power. Thats why RCC is a favorite target of everyone.

  9. #139

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    The enemies of the RCC are just jealous. No they are not jealous we possess the true teachings. They are jealous because they thought RCC has lots of money and power. Thats why RCC is a favorite target of everyone.
    Some are jealous... some are just concerned. Yes the RCC is very wealthy and powerful. - Rev. 18: 18

  10. #140

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    So you do everything to topple it. Therefore you are just after our "power" and our "wealth". Its not about the truth.

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