As usual, the graphics sa Xbox and PS2 are way below that sa pc version... (depending on your system

From Readme.txt:
================================================== ==============================
1. Minimum/Recommended specifications
================================================== ==============================
-Minimum Configuration:
Windows 2000/XP Only
DirectX 9.0c
1000 MHz Pentium III, AMD Athlon or equivalent
256 MB RAM
CD/DVD ROM 4x or greater
NVIDIA GeForce 3 or higher, ATI Radeon 7500 or higher
DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device
1.0 GB hard drive space for minimum installation
Windows-compatible mouse required
-Recommended Configuration:
Windows 2000/XP Only
DirectX 9.0c
1.5 GHz Pentium 4, AMD Athlon or equivalent
256 MB RAM
CD/DVD ROM 32x or greater
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon 9800
DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device
1.6 GB hard drive space for full installation
Windows-compatible mouse required
Dual analog gamepad
-Advanced Graphics Options:
Anti-aliasing can slow down performance. If you have poor performance try
disabling the anti-aliasing by selecting NONE and see if the frame rate
-Sound Options:
Music Volume: Adjusts the volume of the music.
Voices Volume: Adjusts the volume of all the game’s voices.
Sound Effects Volume: Adjusts the volume of all Sound Effects.
Audio Virtualization: Selects the 3D audio emulation mode for a 2
channel monitoring configuration (2 speakers,
Headphones). The HRTF emulation is done in
software thus, using CPU. It is recommended to
select "None" for minimum
requirements computers.
None: Stereo output with no additionnal CPU usage.
Light: Light audio 3D emulation with minimum additionnal CPU usage.
Full: Full audio 3D emulation with more CPU usage.
3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: Enables sound card’s 3D audio hardware
support. Disabling 3D audio may improve game's performance.
Must be enabled to activate EAX’s support.
EAX: If your sound card is compatible with Creative Labs EAX Processing,
enabling this option will greatly improve your sound experience.
Recommended Sound Settings:
Minimum requirements:
Audio Virtualization: None
3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: Off (disabling 3D audio may
improve game's performance)
Normal requirements:
Audio Virtualization: Light
3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: On (if available)
EAX: On (if available)
Recommended system:
Audio Virtualization: Full
3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: On (if available)
EAX: On (if available)
Prince of Persia uses EAX Unified(tm) which makes the Real-Time EAX
processing compatible with EAX 1.0, 2.0 (SBLive!) and 3.0 (Audigy &
Extigy). For quadraphonic & Surround systems, you'll need to select
their corresponding monitoring option in the "Speaker Setup" scroll
window found in the "Sounds & Multimedia Properties" Tab.
The ideal monitoring option for a 2 channel setup
(2-Speakers with/without Subwoofer & Headphones) is Desktop Stereo
Light & Full (Audio Virtualization options) won't give good results
in a 4-Speakers/more configuration. Use it only with a 2 channel
monitoring setup (Dual-Speakers system & Headphones).
To enable EAX with EAX compatible systems under Windows 2000, make sure
Full Hardware acceleration is selected. In Sounds & Multimedia
properties, click Advanced in Sound Playback then the Performance tab.
-Gamepad support:
Most gamepads with dual analog sticks are supported. Other gamepads may
not be fully compatible with Prince of Persia.