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  1. #81
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    1. More employment opportunities for Filipinos will be
    we can do this on our own. but our dear government refuses to. contractualization of employment, privatization of industries, very low wages, deregulation among others... our unemployment rate is the highest now in 56 years!!

    and to think that these economic policies are being mandated to us by the very same country through WTO. the sheer irony.

    2. The notorious lucrative kidnaping business and the ever
    increasing cold blooded murders of innocent people will definitely abate or
    even totally stop.
    what is not included here are the notoriety of the cases of human rights abuses of the US-backed AFP and the PNP. the very same institutions that are designated to protect us are the very same instutions that are killing us. what is more, the very same power we want to be one with is the very same power that is driving us to ashes.

    3. With the Philippine population of around 80 million, the
    Philippines will have at least 140 electoral votes in U.S. presidential
    4. Additionally, the Philippines will be assured to have two
    (2) U.S. Senators of its own to represent the Filipino people in the U.S.
    with this in mind, do we honestly believe that the US will compromise its position for us? let us not be deluded by the fact that racism is STILL here. they will never give in that easily. this is a punch to the moon.

    5. Capital investments by big entrepreneurs from Mainland
    U.S.A. will flow into the Philippines which will mean more economic
    development for the Philippines.
    we actually do not need this. if we can only strengthen our local economy and NOT DEPEND on foreign aid (which is actually a suicide pill), we could be on tract. but the government refuses to.

    6. With high tech systems, the U.S. Federal Government would
    ably protect Philippine shores and oceanic jurisdictions.
    with the MSLA, the philippines has practically given itself up for the americans as a military base. they will only protect their interests. NOT THE PEOPLE.

    7. Better education which mean higher income for Filipinos.
    how can there be better education when the economic viability of this state cannot be guaranteed? better education starts from the family's ability to afford it. many filipino families cannot afford it not because they have limited formal academic training but because they cannot find work.

    it is a vicious cycle. we must see things not only for what they appear to be but also why they are there in the first place.

    8. Abatement of government graft
    it is as if the current mode of governance is not supported by the US government already. the people that are in power who laps the hands of every US government official that visits the country are the same people who are engaged in the despicable graft that riddles the country.

    9. Modernized health and sanitation facilities will be set up
    all over the Philippines.
    we can do this on our own. unfortunately, the government of the philippines prioritizes the military instead of the basic social services; an ill-advised move, i should say.

    10. The Pasig River in Manila and the Pulangui River (Rio Grande) in Mindanao will be dredged to prevent flooding and further used
    for recreation and transportation purposes, thus easing road traffic
    congestions. The large rivers in Bukidnon - Tagoloan and Sawaga Rivers -
    could be harnessed as excellent and ------ive sources of electric power for the whole island of Mindanao.
    not included here are the countless families that will be displaced. come on, who wants to be uprooted from your own house anyway? and not to have proper relocation... practically against social justice.

    the national integrity of the philippines will be lost. our identities as filipinos will be lost. racism is still rampant in the US as in many other countries. we will only be made as second rate citizens in a counrty that has time and time again exploited those who cannot fight back.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  2. #82

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    gareb you are right on that... America protect only there interest... they don't truly care about other people... storya ra na ila... hahahaha. )

  3. #83

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    sometimes, they say something and mean another thing. gobbledygook.
    im against it.

  4. #84

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    i'm definitely AGAINST that idea, too. it would just show how frail we are; can't stand on our own feet.

    putting our nation under another country's banner means being "colonized" again. let's not forget our fellowmen who shed their blood just for us to be free. let's not be ungrateful.

  5. #85

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Gareb, I couldn't agree more....

    Become a state of the USA? Do you have any ideas of the repercussions of such desperation? We will become second-class citizens of our own country....

    Instead of relying on our former colonial master to make our country better, why can't we do it ourselves? We can do it, if we only stopped bickering and started acting for a change. And what about the sacrifices our national heroes made? What becomes of their struggles?

    Let's not be lazy, clarkkhent. Together, we can do it!!!
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  6. #86

    Default re: MERGED: Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?
    No! Not again... The Philippines used to be under the dominant claws of these foreign countries (Spain, USA, Japan) based on our previous history... Although there are some Pros and Cons on this matter, but i still don't like the idea of living in a country dictated by these manipulative foreigners...

  7. #87
    Site Keeper clarkhkent's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Quote Originally Posted by Visual C#
    Gareb, I couldn't agree more....

    Become a state of the USA? Do you have any ideas of the repercussions of such desperation? We will become second-class citizens of our own country....

    Instead of relying on our former colonial master to make our country better, why can't we do it ourselves? We can do it, if we only stopped bickering and started acting for a change. And what about the sacrifices our national heroes made? What becomes of their struggles?

    Let's not be lazy, clarkkhent. Together, we can do it!!!

    yeah boy!!!

  8. #88

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    US aggression is the beginning of the NWO....
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  9. #89
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    Visual C# and his NWO. hehehe.

    diversity is the name of the game. uniformity is stagnation. :mrgreen:
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  10. #90

    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    I am definitely for statehood.

    I don't like baya the Americans 'cause their just too proud of themselves pero aminado jud ko nga nanginahanglan ta nila!
    We can't stand without them! And that's the fact.

  11.    Advertisement

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