in my opinion - KBP should ban programs like this. matod pa ni DJ Pamela they have no way of knowing so security wise wala gyud. Stations should be more responsible in creating programs, not just the money.
in my opinion - KBP should ban programs like this. matod pa ni DJ Pamela they have no way of knowing so security wise wala gyud. Stations should be more responsible in creating programs, not just the money.
ngano mn sd sa recla cla nagmeet?! bugo-a sd oi! makigmeet mn gani adto jud sa mall!
Please see Sunstar online article today:
Victim raped by ‘textmate’
Victim raped by ?textmate? | Sun.Star Network Online
exaggerated ra kaayo... according sa medico legal it's hard to tell kay in advance decomposistion na ang lawas and it's hard to tell labi na sa iya genital area... it's like sunstar are already sure nga gi rape jud... speculation pa man na... tsk3x faet...
mao nani nadaot sa wanted pangga, amo pud silingan gi binlag liwat... ang laki wa na i-kita..
THE woman who was found dead after going out with someone she met in a radio dating show was likely raped and tortured before two or more men strangled her, medico-legal officer Dr. Nestor Sator said yesterday.
Emily Nuñeza was last seen alive on the night of Jan. 23, when she was scheduled to meet a certain Michael.
On Jan. 28, a security guard discovered Nuñeza’s body in a grassy area at the back of the Caltex gasoline station in Mandaue City’s reclamation area. Her neck and
wrists bore rope burns, indicating she had been bound.
Sator said Nuñeza died of strangulation. There was a bite mark on the victim’s right nipple, which suggested she was raped. He said at least one person probably held her using the rope, while another raped her.
Sator said he could no longer examine the victim’s genitals because the body was in an advanced state of decomposition.
The crime will be discussed in today’s monthly general assembly of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP)-Cebu Chapter.
Mandaue City Police Office Homicide Section Chief Jorge Aniñon says he believes Michael killed Nuñeza.
Aniñon said Michael used the cell phone number 0922-322-7173. He asked those who know Michael or who had contact with the phone number to call up the homicide section at 343-3630.
Aniñon said Nuñeza met Michael through an Energy FM radio program hosted by Inday Misyel.
In their first meeting, the man convinced Nuñeza to swap cell phones and excused himself to buy food. He did not return.
The two arranged a second meeting on Jan. 23 at the Star Mart inside the Caltex gasoline station in Mandaue City. Michael had reportedly promised to return her phone.
Aniñon said Nuñeza went to the place with a lady friend but they rode separate trisikads from Wireless to Star Mart. He said this friend sent a text message to her boyfriend and he arrived at Star Mart ahead of them.
Aniñon said the boyfriend saw Nuñeza talking on the phone on the center island of the highway near the gas station. When his girlfriend arrived, he looked back at the center island but Nuñeza was no longer there. The two searched for Nuñeza in the shop and a nearby fast food joint but could not find her.
The KBP is scheduled to discuss the case today.
Apart from stricter guidelines to ensure participants in radio dating shows give more details on their identity, KBP-Cebu Chapter president Carlo Dugaduga said he will suggest to radio stations to ensure an extensive education drive for radio callers to ensure this won’t happen again.
“This is really gruesome. Ni-take advantage gyud ang lalaki,” he said.
Dugaduga said that clearly, the radio station no longer has control if the texter or caller uses an alias or has sinister plans for his or her new acquaintance.
“Kung ako ang anchor, makonsensya gyud ko (if I were the anchor, I would feel terrible),” he said.
Inday Misyel, host of the Energy FM radio program where Michael and Nuñez “met” each other, said she is deeply saddened about what happened to the victim.
In her program last night, Inday Misyel warned her callers against meeting text mates in places like the Mandaue Reclamation Area.
In an earlier interview, she said she has been constantly reminding her listeners not to meet text mates in remote or dark areas and to see them either in the radio station or in public places.
The station and DyLS, which airs “Wanted Pangga”—a program with a similar format—also exclude minors from joining the show and from giving their cell phone numbers
on air.
“We’re really concerned about this,” said DJ Pamela, the FM production chief of dyLS.
She admitted they have no way of knowing if the caller is a minor, but they try to find ways to compel them to reveal their real age.
DJ Pamela said they also remind their listeners to go with their friends when they meet their textmates in public places.
“Kung inyong tuyo binuang, ayaw na lang mo ug tawag (Don’t bother calling if you’re only looking for trouble),” the host of “ Wanted Pangga also warned their listeners. (OCP/CYR/With JFT of Super Balita)
brod...i merge lang na ani...
tsk........tsk sad news jud........ ngano gnahan mna ang uban ug kita kita na dili pa cla kaila...........
i think this thread is several to this thread (Another woman found dead in Mandaue Recla.)
ipa.merge nalng ni siya bro..
this DJ must wake up! He can't control the people calling in coz they made that open to the public. they don't have a means of control. They should stop this kind of program!
Huh! Exactly! If they can't find a way to enforce security for their listeners who engage in meeting up people thru text, then they should not have any business operating like a dating center!
Last edited by b|tcH_g0dd3sS; 01-30-2009 at 01:08 PM.
"JUST A WOMAN? Oh honey no!
I am awesome with a splash of bitch and a dash of wonderful.
keep out of txtmates in the radio, tv or any numbers that you don't know, did your mom says
"don't talk to strangers"?
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