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  1. #11
    Banned User
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    Dec 2007
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    call globelines hotline, like my problem before, they will have an onsight visit and install new stuff to fix your prob,

  2. #12
    @L1, wa lagi labot modem ani.
    I"LL isolate ,dili man na sa modem nga problem, ka wala man na nag sync imo adsl sa ipdslamfrom globe so pasabot ani imo CO, CP wa magkita and also di sad ni problem sa line kay naa man kay dialtone, so ok kay maka talk man mo.
    The problem occurs, If kasabot mo ug jumpering sa (cabinet sa globe) maybe di mao iya pag jumper primary ug secondary (POTS, LINE) sa contractor. and one problem maybe nag hung up ang ipdslam.
    Last edited by rockford_fosgate09; 01-24-2009 at 09:46 PM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by rockford_fosgate09 View Post
    @L1, wa lagi labot modem ani.
    I"LL isolate ,dili man na sa modem nga problem, ka wala man na nag sync imo adsl sa RU ipdslam(alcatel) from globe so pasabot ani imo CO, CP wa magkita and also di sad ni problem sa line kay naa man kay dialtone, so ok kay maka talk man mo.
    The problem occurs, If kasabot mo ug jumpering sa HRISLU(cabinet sa globe) maybe di mao iya pag jumper primary ug secondary (POTS, LINE) sa contractor. and one problem maybe nag hung up ang RU ipdslam.
    Wala labot ang modem ani. Na experience na nako pod ni dili mo On ang DSL light sa akong Zyxel modem. Maski i power cycle pa dili na gyud mo On, pag tawag nako sa PLDT daot ilang line pero 2 hours lang gyud na daot ang connection after na Ok na daun.

    If kasabot mo ug jumpering sa HRISLU(cabinet sa globe) maybe di mao iya pag jumper primary ug secondary (POTS, LINE) sa contractor.

    What you mean is na amnesia ug kalit ang contractor dili na kahibaw mo taod sa cabinet sa globe? Tsk tsk tsk Or maybe daot lang gyud ang connection kay naka Internet man siya and suddenly the ADSL light is Off.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by L1Technician View Post
    Wala labot ang modem ani. Na experience na nako pod ni dili mo On ang DSL light sa akong Zyxel modem. Maski i power cycle pa dili na gyud mo On, pag tawag nako sa PLDT daot ilang line pero 2 hours lang gyud na daot ang connection after na Ok na daun.

    If kasabot mo ug jumpering sa HRISLU(cabinet sa globe) maybe di mao iya pag jumper primary ug secondary (POTS, LINE) sa contractor.

    What you mean is na amnesia ug kalit ang contractor dili na kahibaw mo taod sa cabinet sa globe? Tsk tsk tsk Or maybe daot lang gyud ang connection kay naka Internet man siya and suddenly the ADSL light is Off.

    OT ka BRAD, remember GLOBe broadband at TS..
    dili PLDT LOL. lahi man na pldt ug network facilities dont compare.

    yes, naa possillbities ma sipyat ang contractor ug jumper

    problem ani kay nag hung up and ipdslam
    Last edited by rockford_fosgate09; 01-24-2009 at 09:47 PM.

  5. #15
    Sorry sa OT.

    Lahi man gyud sila ug facilities definitely but the same protocol.
    Wala nako gi compare ang duha ka ISP ako ra gihatag example akong na experience.

  6. #16
    [quote=L1Technician;3867539]Sorry sa OT.

    Lahi man gyud sila ug facilities definitely but the same protocol.
    Wala nako gi compare ang duha ka ISP ako ra gihatag example akong na experience.[/quote

    no big deal for me..
    back to topic..
    Last edited by rockford_fosgate09; 02-10-2009 at 08:11 PM.

  7. #17
    Hello mga bro... thanks sa nn.u tanan dha sa pg shared sa n.u ideas, finally i'm connected again now but naa jpon problema and i think sa modem guro ni bcoz it works mn na e power cycle nku ang modem but every time i use my pc it start the same problem again like b4 so e power cycle nsad nku ang modem and it take 15 - 20 minutes pra balik nsad ang connection hahay kpoya aning styla oi... karon dugay au ku nka connect f wla nku gi turn off ang firewall dli guro mka internet ron hahay paeta.. kamo dha mga bro unsa ma sulti nn.u ani?

  8. #18
    my modem is PROLINK Huricanne 5200

  9. #19
    bro first try check all connections then check modem position/location....
    It should be far from AVR and your PSU...

    Lastly if you have access to the webpage of your modem check if your connection was in nailed-up mode... if not, select nailed-up option if it is available..

    Anyway bro the easiest way to get accurate solution/s is to contact Globe's Technical Support, they should be able to fix your problem... kung unya unyaon ka bro kasab.e!!!

  10. #20
    Wow so wala gyud ma sipyat ang contractor sa GLOBe broadband sa pag jumper

    Wow so naa gyud diay DSL imo line lol


    If you could ask for a modem replacement that would be better for you.

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