Isaiah calls it "The Book" and in some texts "The Scroll and says nothing is lacking because the mouth of the Lord has spoken and has gathered it and compiled it. 1, Paul, even at a time when NOT everyone had every book, he called what he wrote "this Gospel" 2 and indeed his epistles even contain ENOUGH knowledge and information about what God wants his people to know of salvation. Paul again writes that even Scripture is good enough for rebuking error, and it's other most important use - training in righteousness. 3 he doesn't use "Scripture alone" of course, but in that in the two previous verses I stated, it's implicit that the Scriptures are all-sufficient.
1. Isaiah 34: 16
2. 1 Cor. 15: 2
3. 2 Tim 3: 16
Here's another debate:
What are
"My Words?" Or What is Written Word anyway? (Matt 24: 35 ) And who are them preachers? (Jn 17: 20 ), Was Jesus also referring already to Ignatius or Thomas Aquinas or other theologians? Or was he referring to the prophets and apostles only? Who are the foundation of the church, with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief Cornerstone. (Eph. 2: 19 - 22 )
Again, the church is the pillar and foundation of Truth. But what is Truth anyway? (Jn 17: 17 ) and what includes "Written Word?"
This is also debatable... what are other things that include "written Word?"