mga snake specialist, unsa ni nga bitin?
hehehe....ka nindot ba ana sir..hehhe...tinuod na ang pattern sa iya luyo?....hehehe...
sa ako lng kay basin rat snake na...hehehe...imoha na sir?......nice pa eggs hehee
tnx... Yes sir bim2x tnuod na iya pattern sa luyo, if tan.awn jd mrag pintal ra... hehe
actually sko migo ni unya iya ra gpa.buhi nko and dli na eggs naa sa iya kilid oi, stones na sa iya water dish...hehehe
lets ask Mighty herp doctor! should we need any herpetological assistance i'm pretty sure he's the man to go!
i'm pretty sure its a colubrid and a juvenile. How long is it?
hmm, anything peculiar bout the snake? I think its a Tropidonophis or a keelback. cant be so sure though kay i'll need to see it to know.
Definitely a colubrid... By the looks of it, probably a lampropelis... What do you think "heycroc"? You're my loudest critic here?? Give me your opinion and let's delve on in...
Funny it may seems, lampropelis and elaphe's are almost very much alike.. The only way to tell them differently most commonly from their head scales...
if we consider it to be a snake found in the Phils, then lampropeltis is out of the picture as we dont have local kingsnakes around, and as w/ regards to elaphe/ratsnakes, Phils. holds 4 subspecies of E. erythrura at whose juveniles do not posses any red markings.
To the inquiry re: differences of elaphe and lampropeltis, the mere size of the head will tell, elaphe's have distinct head enlargement as compared to the indistinct head size of lampropeltis (head and neck of the same girth). More so the anal scales of elaphes are divided whereas lampropeltis are entire. These are just some of the many more differences of the two genus. the temporals cant be relied upon when tackling elaphes cause they varry a lot while lampropeltis is 2+3+4.
aside from tropidonophis, liopeltis is my next bet though cross referencing it with the 27 other genus of Philippine colubrids tropidonophis/ keelbacks would have better chances.
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