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Last edited by regnauld; 01-19-2009 at 12:21 PM.
only Jesus can answer that, ngita ta number niya.
Ascend to where? At what travel time? At what speed? At what distance? At what force? At what HP? Only the credulous mind can provide the absolute speculation. - Forester.
If Jesus had survived the crucifixion,
Did Jesus die in Kashmir, India?
Did Jesus die in Kashmir?
Last edited by regnauld; 01-19-2009 at 12:35 AM.
I already seen that site like 2 years ago.. even the bones of St. Peter found in Jerusalem..
...and your denying now the ressurection? are you still a christian reg?
i dont know about u guys, but for me i don't question my faith.
Jesus The Christ for me, survived the crucifixion. It was not really a resurrection that Jesus experienced but it was the case of resuscitation. As you can see the explanation of scholars here.
Did Jesus Die on the Cross?
I am not a christian who belongs in the catholic or protestant church. I am a Theosophist who adheres to the mystical belief of the true Christians.Peace!
Last edited by regnauld; 01-19-2009 at 12:15 PM.
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