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hoi, share pud sa imong knowledge hoi, dont leave us hanging. ako, engineering ako courso but nakalimot nako sa law of cause and effect, and let us know the conection ani sa topic.
Cause and Effect~
The Principles of Karma ~ CAUSATION ~
"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."
The Principle of Cause and Effect-embodies the truth that Law pervades the Universe; that nothing happens by Chance, that Chance is merely a term indicating cause existing but not recognized or perceived, that phenomena is continuous and without break or exception.
The Principle of Cause and Effect underlies all scientific thought, ancient and modern, and was enunciated by the
Essenic Teachers in the earliest days. While many and varied disputes between the many schools of thought have since arisen, these disputes have been principally upon the details of the operations of the Principle, and still more often upon the meaning of certain words. The underlying Principle of Cause and Effect has been accepted as correct by practically all the thinkers of the world worthy of the name. To think otherwise would be to take the phenomena of the universe from the domain of Law and Order, and to relegate it; to the control of the imaginary something which men have called "Chance."
Cause and Effect