MSI MS-7207G Motherboard with Athlon 64 3000 socket 939 ---- P3500
ASUS P5RD1-VM Motherboard with Intel Pentium 506 2.66Ghz socket 775 ---- P3500
Asus P4800-E Deluxe with Intel 3.0Ghz HT socket 478 ---- P3500
Harddisk (IDE)
Seagate 40GB 5400 ---- P1000
Seagate 40GB 7200 Barracuda ---- P1200
Maxtor 80GB ---- P1500
Seagate 80GB 7200 Barracuda ---- P1500
Memory (DDR400)
Kingston 512mb ---- P800
NCR 512mb ---- P700
Twinmos 256mb ---- P400
Monitor (CRT)
Samsung 17in 793v ---- P2500
AOC 19in 9KLR ---- P3500
LG 700E ---- P2500
Intel Pentium 531 3.0Ghz socket 775 with HSF---- P1800
Celeron 1.7Ghz socket 478 with HSF ---- P600
Intel Pentium 1.8Ghz socket 478 with HSF ---- P1000
Radeon 9250 128mb(AGP) ---- P800
Inno3d MX400 128mb(AGP) --- P700
or PM me
Ronald -*maoh*-