Why I believe the spiritual world is all fictional:
I simply believe and admire the fact that the mind is such a powerful 'all-around' machine.
'Spirit' is such a dodgy word in the first place.
You will realize that the the term 'spirit' holds a lot of definitions that differs from person to person. Shall I say, 'spirit' is merely a concept. Kind of a symbol.
Language is an 'insufficient' metaphor of reality.
That is why I dont dispose the thoughts about spirits in its
Ex. The notion that "One's soul goes to heaven if one remains good." is merely a symbolic way of saying: Only in doing what you think is good brings you peace of mind.
Maybe the term 'fictional' isnt not appropriate enough a term to use. I apologize for using it. Maybe the term 'symbolic' expresses my thoughts more. It would only turn fictional if a person treats these symbolisms as hard facts. (Like believing that the souls of our dear departed still roams around to do their 'unfinished business'...Though believing in this notion could push the bereaved family to finish the business on their own. Most likely than not, they are the one that benefits from it. Hence, the notion does holds a rather odd form of realism...)
I can't possibly post a sufficient amount of my thoughts regarding my subject here. Maybe I'll just start another thread about it someday.
If you could Bro, try to find a copy of the the book,
The Law of Psychic Phenomena by Hudson(not sure sa author...)...You could start from there. Since the book is published probably a century or so ago, so I recommend you also look into newer books, but only AFTER you read the Hudson book. Why? Because the title is a little bit misleading from the gist of the book.
And no, it aint about 'parapychology'. I guess the book was published way before parapsychology was founded.)
I learned that faith is such a fascinating thing - that it is not that "
God makes the difference", its more like "
The faith in a god is what makes the difference, not the god you believe in itself."...So, as far as
faith is concerned, it does not matter whether your god is existing or not.
As a rough example: After I could establish my credibility as a healer, I could cure a person's hiccups and alleviate pain just using pure bullcrap techniques. The nature of such 'ailments' are so so subjective, that it does not really matter whether I am 'casting my healing aura to heal you (which is pure BS)', as long as you believe in whatever I claim, as long as you believe that I can make your hiccups dissapear - its gone. That is why it is called
(Which also means, that not all ailments can be cured through faith-healing. Cancer for example, is far from subjective in nature.
Such is the power of the human mind.