If you can sell an
NCLEX Access card you'll get a bonus of 250-1000 php per card sold
You can work full time or PART TIME!
You can work @ your own time and day.
EX: if you can sold 10 cards of NCLEX access cards worth 4,599 php (60 log ins) you can get 1000 php
each card. 10 cards = 10,000 php!
10 cards of 1,399 php (10 log ins) =2,500 php
NOTE: the higher the cost of the card sold, The BIGGER your COMMISSION!!!
(mas dako pa ug percentage compared to selling cell cards)
Dali rapud ky daghan man Nurses diri sa Cebu
1,399 php 10 log ins (1 log in expires within 24 hours.)
1 month expiration
2,499 php 25 log ins (1 log in expires within 24 hours.)
2 months expiration
4,599 php 60 log in (1 log in expires within 24 hours.)
4 months expiration
avail now!!! 1st of its kind
interested buyers or retailers just pm me for details.
brought to you by:
American Dream Review Institute