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  1. #11

    Quote Originally Posted by blackdronza View Post
    HTML is a programming language… How can you say that it is not? Sure, you can’t make exquisite things with HTML alone, but it still is a language. Maybe people don’t consider it one because they use a program to help them generate the code, but I’m old school and love my notepad! Granted, I do use PHP and CSS with my HTML, because it takes it a step (well, several) farther…

    But don’t deny HTML it’s right to be called a programming language. We would all be sad if people didn’t use HTML, and all we got was text over the internet.

    And remember HTML is a pioneering language in the World Wide Web.Without HTML, JavaScript, PHP, ColdFusion, and other web languages will not be born.
    Remember that programming languages has conditional statements, loops, and all which HTML doesn't have. HTML is a language per se, but it is not a programming language. Try adding 1 + 1 with HTML alone, if you can do that then I guess I'm wrong.
    Last edited by Tin_Tin; 01-03-2009 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by blackdronza View Post
    HTML is a programming language… How can you say that it is not? Sure, you can’t make exquisite things with HTML alone, but it still is a language. Maybe people don’t consider it one because they use a program to help them generate the code, but I’m old school and love my notepad! Granted, I do use PHP and CSS with my HTML, because it takes it a step (well, several) farther…

    But don’t deny HTML it’s right to be called a programming language. We would all be sad if people didn’t use HTML, and all we got was text over the internet.

    And remember HTML is a pioneering language in the World Wide Web.Without HTML, JavaScript, PHP, ColdFusion, and other web languages will not be born.
    HTML IS NOT a programming language, HTML is a MARKUP language same as XML. It can only be used as a "View" to (rep)present data to the users.
    a programming language should be capable in representing, computing/evaluating and storing data thus the term "programing" is used.

    PHP, ASP, JavaSCRIPT, etc --> These are scripting languages.

    By programing language -> old school developers is refering to Computer langauges which can be executed and generate binaries which independently runs without dependencies on some 3rd party tool (software).

  3. #13
    C.I.A. cliff_drew's Avatar
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    IMO, HTML, by definition and usage, is only a mark-up language.

    Excerpts from Wikipedia:

    A markup language is an artificial language using a set of annotations to text that give instructions regarding the structure of text or how it is to be displayed

    It can't be considered as a programming language. Why? because HTML does not provide any of the functionality that a programming language does UNLESS embedded with a scripting language ex. Javascript. The primary function of HTML is for presentation or display purposes only. Thats it.

  4. #14
    code generated using a programming language needs to be compiled, linked and you don't compile html.

  5. #15
    hmmmm HTML is in hot seat!!!! ...back to original poster .. nice one!!
    ALONE:Hated and Punished

  6. #16
    LOL at Visual Basic, hehehe

    HTML? it would be Atheism.

    This was originally posted in:

    Aegisub: If programming languages were religions...

    He has a follow-up post, since his post took a lot of flack from fanboys, and religious folks, and you can read it here:

    Aegisub: If programming languages were religions: the aftermath

  7. #17
    Ahhhh! binuang ni.... Bitaw, funny oi!

  8. #18
    Senior Member Alel's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by blueubeblack View Post
    LOL at Visual Basic, hehehe

    HTML? it would be Atheism.

    This was originally posted in:

    Aegisub: If programming languages were religions...

    He has a follow-up post, since his post took a lot of flack from fanboys, and religious folks, and you can read it here:

    Aegisub: If programming languages were religions: the aftermath
    Umm HTML - Confucianism = it creates an air of confusion of whether he is or he is not just
    because of his surname "Language".

  10. #20
    how about assembly language? i think it is still considered a programming language

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