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  1. #311

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by IdzĀ®
    kung pangutan-on sad nimo c God, magpabungol-bungol man sad...
    di man si god ang nagpabungol2... kita man mga tao... kay kung wa pa ta nag pa bungol2 maayo unta tang pagkatao karon..

  2. #312

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    EVIL is the absence of GOD
    how can god be absencent when he is omnipresent?
    If people reject God..He won't force himself to be in places where he is not welcomed. -- that is free will

  3. #313

    Default why did God create evil?

    god created evil 'coz kung wala'y evil wala sad ang lyk dat evil is d opposite of god...dats all i can say...kung wala'y evil wala'y newspaper...

  4. #314

    Default why did God create evil?

    because naa man si azpharkz sa kalibutan.thank u.......

  5. #315

    Default why did God create evil?

    because it's in his Great Big Plan!

  6. #316

    Default why did God create evil?

    God did not create evil... if you read in Genesis, the things he created were good...
    "and God saw it was good"... God bestowed man free-will thus man chose to be bad... bad is not existent its just the absence of good... man chose not to do good, therefore the goodness in man is absent, ergo man becomes bad...

  7. #317

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brahman
    Well, this is my first time to answer this thread. And i believe everbody is entitled to his own decision. Nevertheless, I still believe God did not created evil. First and foremost, if you believe in God, yes this thread would be a good place for you. If you don't, honestly speaking, all your answers will definitely contradict what is absolutely written in the Holy Testament and would rather created a roller coaster type of debate. Now here's my own understanding of this thread.

    1. In the bible, yes it was written that God definitely created evil and can be found in Isaiah. Directly speaking, if you believe that this statement is a
    literal word, meaning, God really created evil, so that's it, the answer is yes. Whoever, theres a lot of words in the bible that yields indirect representation, meaning, it has symbolic manifestation and one of these is this statement of prophet Isaiah where this thread focuces. A lot of these symbolic terms can be found in Revelation.

    2. When prophet Isaiah, speaks to this statement, he is referring evil as part of God's creation and doesn't really refer as subjective in nature. When God created angels before earth was created, Satan is one of them.
    In the Garden of Eden, He knews absolutely that Satan was there and trying to convince Eve. In short, during this time, God already has in mind. He really wanted to know how perfect are His creation and this is already a part of his purpose. And why God allows wickedness or evil, definitely because of His purpose....I'll explain further of these if I have some free times, busy pa sa work.
    The thing with the Bible is: WHY SO MUCH SYMBOLISM? Why can't it just state things in simple terms? Did God assume that we would have exactly the same way of interpreting these Bible verses? The Bible is such a confusing piece of literature.
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  8. #318

    Default why did God create evil?

    to level the playing field kumbaga... just like sa time ni Jesus.. he spoke in parables so ang mga feeling high/bright dili ka gets... kato ra open sa ila mind/heart/body ang maka grasp sa meaning... mao na nga "lean not on my/your own understanding" ... saon nalang ug sayon ra kaayo ang meaning... walay challenge... "many are called but few are chosen"

  9. #319

    Default why did God create evil?

    GOD so far i know did not create evil, HE only wanted anything good in HIS eyes. It is lucifer, who was once an archangel, revolted againts GOD because lucifer know the plan of GOD for men.

    the term is jealousy..yes, evil = jealousy

  10. #320

    Default why did God create evil?

    god created evil in order to define things and for us to have a better understanding on things. you cannot define good stuff if there is no bad stuff... there is no success without failure. what is white anyway if nobody has seen black.
    god created evil in order for him to exist... and for man to exist.

    Q: if you see satan lying on the ground gasping for dear life... what will you do... kill him or save him/her!!!

    me? i guess i will save him/her... otherwise killing him/her would eliminate the dark side of earth and all is left is white (boringggg)... it won't be a sin no more not to believe in God hence killing satan is erasing the ultimate source of sin... so if i won't believe in God it's not a sin anymore... even if i curse God on that very day.

    we built churches for us to take refuge from the evil creature but soon it will be abandoned since the evil creature is already dead. he is one big helluvah reason why we built churches... we are afraid of the evil creature.

    preists and teachers of the good words will find themselves back where everyone elses belong. they will look for another job coz there will be nobody anymore to protect from the deadly creature... because the creature is DEAD!

    for those who don't agree with me... my sincere apology.

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