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its not really against the NEGATIVE outlook on the NURSING PROFESSION, but the SITUATION it presented.
some SEE/VIEW it negatively....others see it as an OPPORTUNITY.<===why most PUTI dont pick up this profession.
*an opportunity which is starting to close its doors(USA), with obama promoting american nurses than foreign imports...di ba??
well, i'm not disagreeing with you on this. i agree with you, some see it as an opportunity. sad to say ang mga nag nursing sa atoa? ipang abuse sa mga skwelahan, dagko tuition fee, dugay kalarga.. ang uban mangahagbong pa, worse, asa trabaho? samot na si Obama ma presidente... nga Americans first man gyud na obviously.
IMO, if you compete in the PUTI dominated field...most often, mauuna talaga ang PUTI. unless, you are that exeptional.IMO.<====same rationale why some local pinoy doctors ended up as nurses in foreign soil. gusto ng mga PUTI mag doctor eh. but dont view this as a hindrance for becoming a doctor in abroad though....if you really want it, gotta work hard for it.
daghan opportunity abroad when the situation presents itself. para sa pinoy, the QUICKEST way to go abroad is to become a nurse... asay QUICKEST ba... hehehe.