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  1. #151

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    In the Bible, the death of Jesus, or more specifically, the act of a father offering his own child as a sacrifice was foreshadowed by Abraham's story, where he was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac.

  2. #152

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    The concept of self-sacrifice and martyrs are central to Christianity. In Christian teaching, God became incarnate in Jesus Christ to accomplish the reconciliation of God and humanity, which had separated itself from God through sin (see the concept of original sin). God's justice required an atonement for sin from humanity if human beings were to be saved from damnation, but God knew limited human beings could not make sufficient atonement, for humanity's offence to God was infinite. So God became a man to sacrifice himself. In Christian theology this sacrifice replaced the insufficient animal sacrifice of the Old Covenant; Christ the "Lamb of God" replaced the lambs sacrificed at Passover in the Mosaic law.

  3. #153
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    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    to save humanity from destruction, so that those who believe in him will not be destroyed but have eternal life.

  4. #154

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    i don't know either... i'm agnostic

  5. #155

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    The Bible is very clear on this:

    Isa 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;...............

    He died for the sins of sinners that anyone who trust in that all sufficient sacrifice will be saved.

  6. #156
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    In ESOTERIC Christianity, Jesus did not come here to die in order to save us from our sins, Jesus came here to ENLIGHTEN US! Just like Buddha and all the masters!

  7. #157
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regnauld View Post
    In ESOTERIC Christianity, Jesus did not come here to die in order to save us from our sins, Jesus came here to ENLIGHTEN US! Just like Buddha and all the masters!
    Esoteric Christianity is a term which refers to an ensemble of spiritual currents which regard Christianity as a mystery religion,[1][2] and profess the existence and possession of certain esoteric doctrines or practices,[3][4] hidden from the public but accessible only to a narrow circle of "enlightened", "initiated", or highly educated people.[5][6]
    These spiritual currents share some common denominators, such as:

  8. #158
    Jesus died because of a race of stuck-up aholes who Hitler tried to exterminate.

  9. #159
    Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    apparently...NOBODY LIVES FOREVER.


  10. #160
    he died because he was messing up with the authorities. just like in these times, if you mess up with the authorities, you're likely to end up on the gutter.

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