During a surgeon’s conference in Harare,Zimbabwe, three of the surgeons go out for a drink one evening. The first is Canadian, the second American and the third Zimbabwean.
They start boasting about their surgical abilities.
The Canadian say’s,”Two years ago a man fell into a giant meat mixer, and all that was left of him was a leg. We took him into our lab, created another artificial leg, arms, a body, head everything. Six months later he went back to work.
“That’s nothing,” says the American surgeon.”A while back a worker fell into a nuclear reactor, All that was left was his right hand and. So we built on an arm, a body, legs, a head, everything. When he went back to work six months later, he was so efficient he put 10 people out of work.”
The Zimbabwean Surgeon looks at his colleagues, “You guys are just amateurs. Twenty years ago I was walking down the street and I smelled a fart. I caught it in a jar and took it back to the lab. There, we built an a55hole around it, a torso and finally a complete body. We called him Robert Mugabe, and he’s put the whole bloody country out of work!”