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  1. #1

    Default Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    bay unsaon may buhaton para ang bandwidth ma "equally" distributed among the pcs na connected sa LAN ?? kay diri sa akong cafe na gi bantayan, naay 10 pcs na naka connect sa Surecom EP-816VX switch..., pero ang problema, kung naa usa ka costomer na mag "stream" ug salida sa internet iya man gud suyupon ang tibook bandwidth so ang ubang mga cusstomer namo kay mo reklamo gyud kay lag na kuno kaayo, dili man sad to nako mapa undang ang customer na nag stream ug salida kay dili man porn iyang gi tanaw... really need help...

    btw, do ye all think na maka solve ning NetLimiter? I havent actually used this ware pero basin naka sulay mo ani...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    another way to skin a cat so to speak is to implement an advanced routing mechanism on linux, implement QOS. this is not easy to do tho, but u can even go to the extent of balancing your load among multiple uplinks. that is if you have multiple DSL connection from say PLDT, GLOBE or BAYANTEL and distribute the load among your uplinks. it may even provides a fallback mechanism just incase one of your uplink goes down.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    the easy way...invest a load balance router...since you mention surecom...they have this one...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    best solution is implement qos if you have that feature on your box.... But it depends types of qos they have capabilities...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    another is to control the bandwidth for each station. You can do this at the perimeter of the network going to the internet. Like allocating nkbps per workstation. In this case, other pcs wont be affected. i dont think you need load balancing as your problem is in the internal side.

    There are firewalls that can do this kind of job - control bandwidth per workstation. If you are willing to invest, we can provide a solution for that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    bandwidth managers...naa man tingali daghan sa net nga Free download :mrgreen:

  7. #7

    Default Re: Equal Bandwidth Among The Pissies

    software bandwidth manager can be a solution up to some point. the limitation would be your pc specs where this bw manager is installed.

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